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" Wait, so that bitch is blackmailing you?" is my first response to what my sister told me. She shakes her head. " Well, don't tell me you are going through with it."

" I already did, Brie I had too. I didn't want Roman to ruin his relationship with his kids over me. The past few days, I've seen Roman in his fatherhood mode, and it was awesome."

" But Nikki-"

" But Nikki Nothing, I love Roman and I am doing this for him."

" Fine."

" Good, I am going to go take a shower, because I am tired of smelling like sweat." She says than she gets up off my couch and walk into the bathroom.

After she left I recognize that Nikki left her phone on my coffee table. I have no choice but to grab it, since I am her twin sister I already know her password. Once I get through phone I see multiple miss called from Roman. Wow, I feel bad for the guy.  After waiting for a few minutes, I then get the courage to call him. Before the second ring has occurred Roman already answered.

" Nikki? Nicole?" He seems excited and relieved.

" No, sorry to break your hopes but it's me, Brie."

" Oh, hey Brie. How is Nikki doing? And can you tell her I love her-"

" Wait, hold up." I say as I hear the bathroom door open. " Look, Roman, Nikki is coming. If you fly to Arizona and meet me at the cafe right off the exit of Scottsdale at 3 pm, I will explain everything." before he can say anything I hang up.

" Hey, brie have you seen my phone?"

" Yeah, it's on the coffee table."

Out of the ring 2 { completed}Where stories live. Discover now