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I wake up to a pitch black room, as my phone start buzzing." What the hell?" I ask myself, making Roman wake up as well. I look at the caller ID to see Brie name pop up. " Hello?"

" Hey, Nikki. Have you checked the news?"

" Brie, it's literally 5 in the morning so no. Plus what are you doing up in 3 in Phoenix?"

" I'll explain later, just look your name up." She then hangs up.

" What was that about?" Roman ask.

" I have no idea." I then open Google to look up My name. I see an article discussing Roman and I together last night. " Oh no."

" What?" He says turning on the bedside light.

" They caught us at dinner last night!" I say beginning to stress out.

" Nikki, calm down." Roman says kissing my forehead.

" Roman, I can't."

" Why?"

" Because now Galina knows, she knows that I am sleeping with her ex-husband and her ex-husband is sleeping with her friend. I didn't want her to find out like that.

" Ok, I see. Here is how I see it, Galina is far away from us. She can't physically hurt you or me, so why are you worrying. Plus by the time she gets back maybe she will cool down. Also, for all, we knew she might don't know."

" But it's social media I am worried about, you see how they treated other people in this category."

" Baby, who cares?  As long as I got you I am good."

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