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I wake up in Roman bed, hoping to find Roman arms around but I sadly wake up to see his side of the bed empty. My arm search for my phone, once I find my phone the bright screen reveal it's 10:51 am.
I get out of bed to find one of Roman ' Big Dog hoodie' I put it on to cover up.

I start to make my way downstairs to see where Roman is. I find him sitting on one of the kitchen stool placed in the island of the kitchen, as he talks on the phone. I just wrap my arms around him to show I was up. He looks down at me and kisses the top of my head. " Alright, well thanks for calling, I talk to you about it later." He then hangs up. " Nice hoodie."

" Thanks. Who was that?"

" Just talent and creativity management."

" What idea do they have now?"

" Just a tag team partner, they wanna find a way for me not get booed. So they figure having someone with me will help."

" Yeah, I understand. So someone like Seth or Jason Jordon?"

" Umm... Nicole do not  get jealous, but a female tag team partner."

"ok, who is it?" I ask trying to remain calm.

" I don't know they might bring a girl up from NXT or just from the main roster." He sees the look of sadness in my eyes. He gently grabs my face and kisses me. " Nicole, don't worry. I only love you and you only. "

" Okay."

" Now let's enjoy this nice breakfast... I order." He points to the kitchen island.

Author question: Who do you think Roman new tag team partner will be?

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