Chapter 27. Catbad wins.

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Chapter  27.

Catbad wins.

Catbad  knew this wasn't happening.

He opened his eyes.

Felt sleepy.

He was in the wheelchair been pushed by Abbie towards the mirror.

Towards the image of Cu Culaiins death. 

No this wasn't happening. 

He knew that for sure.

He watched the raven fly past him and into the mirror image.

Then once again he felt faint and  everything went black...

When he came round again he was still in the wheelchair, still paralysed.  Now this time he was outside in the cold watching Abbie taking down Cu Culainn from the stone. 

She spoke softly to near dead warrior.  It sounded like.

"Your hero is here.  I have come to save you.".

The sky was grey and it felt cold. 

Bran was biting at the ropes holding  Cu Culainn up. 

He knew for definite this wasn't happening.

He was a Druid.

Time is a circle. He has been at this point of time a million times before. This has never happened before.

History never changes.

Only in our dreams does the mind change events.

So he knew for sure he had to be dreaming.  Once again he felt faint.  As his world went black this thought gave him comfort.

Catbad woke up again and was surprised to find he was still in his dream.

This time his paralysed body was been pushed up the stone by Abbie.

When he got the full way up Bran jumped on him and held him there as Abbie tied the ropes around the stone and him.

As they worked he could see Cu Culainn slumped in the wheelchair in front of him. 

No way of telling if he was alive or dead.

Strange? Cu Culainn was wearing his robes?

Catbad"s head slumped  down . Abbie pushed his head back up.

But Catbad  had cought a glimpse of himself.  

He was wearing Cu Culainn's clothes.

Abbie placed  Cu Culainn's green mask helmet onto Catbads head. 

This was not a dream.

Catbad realised this was real.

Abbie was actually trying to swap him for Cu Culainn. 

Brave but foolish girl.

Do what you want Abbie but Cu Culainn's  fate has come.  

You can't cheat your fate or history. 

Catbad smiled inside.

He saw in the distance coming down the hill, the Connaught army marching towards them. 

Escape from here is impossible girl.   Fate won't allow it.

Bran barked.

"I know I see them!"

Told Abbie tying the last knot on Catbads ropes.

"There all done."

She ran over to  Cu Culainn in the wheelchair.

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