Secrets of the Druids Book Three. CHAPTER ONE.

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Old Irish Riddle.

Who barely seven winters in all,  has seen more years than any man can recall?

The druid boy Finnegas the small.

Book Three.

The last Druid.

Chapter One.
Part 1.

The Druid boy woke with the end of the world screaming from his dreams.

It can't be.

Tis before its time.

He stood up out of his straw bed closed his eyes and searched the future.

All was quiet in the far future it was gone?

He opened his eyes and  knew he did not need future time to find an answer why.

Catbad what have you done.

Once more he heard screams.

This time coming from the now.

Terror fixed his eyes on his oak bedroom door.

Beyond that door.

The familiar roars of a massacre grew louder.

Grew nearer.

Beyond that door.

The great halls of king Conor Mac Nassa were falling to her attackers.

Beyond that door he heard his brother Druids been slaughtered.

He did not need his future sense to know he was next.


Part Two this Friday. Please vote.

Part two.

The Druid boy thanked his tribal goddess for making him small.

Otherwise he to would have been killed with the rest of his class. 

He would not have been slight enough to escape into the roof thatch or be light enough to crawl over the high hay roof of the great hall.

If he can get to the far side then he could slip down to the ground from there a quick dash to the forest. 

One slim hope of escaping into this hell night with his life. 

His only hope.

He crawled to the top of the great hall roof. 

There in the middle of the roof was its smoke hole. An opening for the halls fire smoke which now escaped up into the black night sky.

He peered down and saw his kings last minutes of life.

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