An Inconvenient Frienemy - 4 - Hanna POV - Social

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I traced my shoulders. This was a lot of skin, even for me.

No one would believe me if I said I liked to dress up for these events. Hanna the Troublemaker wasn't supposed to want to be a real princess.

Maybe I shouldn't have. I could never measure up to the others even if I tried. So why bother?

My two sisters were the perfect examples of royalty. Even my younger sister has the right mannerisms and intellect for a royal position. My older brothers praised them for their beauty and grace. My family loved me, but they never would describe me as royal.

I just wasn't born with those traits. Why was I born a royal at all? I wasn't made for it.

But for one night, in a teal and midnight blue shoulderless gown, I could be royalty too.

Even if it was only until the clock struck midnight.

My phone beeped. It was Tae.

Sorry, angel. I'm running late. Problem with the roommate. Can I meet you there?

I huffed, somehow not surprised. I texted him back.

No problem. See you at the social. ;)

Why did I feel... relieved?

I texted Jieun to ask if she had arrived yet, but she hadn't read it yet. I guess her and Jungkook were too busy being in love and whatever.

I could go alone. That was fine.

The ballroom looked beautiful. The chandelier was polished and hung high over the dance floor, lighting up the entire room in all angles. Some students had already begun practicing some of the formal dances from other countries, while others were socializing around the buffet. There were large tables scattered on the sides of the room, with people laughing and joking.

A guard smiled and bowed to me. "You can sit anywhere you'd like, Princess Hanna."

I nodded at him. "Do you want to sit with me?"

He chuckled, taking my hand in his and patting it. "You're sweet, miss. But I think there are plenty of people wanting a place next to you."

Ha. If he only knew.

I took the rejection with a smile and went to an empty table in the corner of the room. I scanned around looking for someone I might be able to talk to. Most of them were people I didn't know well or people I knew hated me. They had never said it directly, but their underhanded comments and strange glares were enough to keep me at my table.

This was going to be a long night.

After awhile, a few kind gentlemen asked me to dance. I wasn't great at it, but they were patient, and it made me forget for a minute that my boyfriend had left me alone for the better part of an hour. A couple of girls even approached me to ask about my dress, complimenting my out-of-the-ordinary look.

It was probably the most pleasant small talk I'd had since coming to the academy.

That was the magic of a social, I guess.

And then... he walked in.

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