Ch 38 - Jimin POV - Gone

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I forgot how much I hated camera crews.

"Your Majesty, do you have anything to say about the recent events in the capital?"

"Your Majesty, what is your opinion on these riots?"

"Your Majesty, will you consider giving up your throne under the circumstances?"

Ugh. It was so hard to be nice to these people.

After the first round of reporters, we drove further into the city for round two of interviews. I'd never seen so much destruction in the captial. Random fires, buildings with shattered windows, trash all over the streets - even a turned-over car in the middle of the busiest intersection. There were crowds of people with neon poster boards, chanting and yelling at cars passing by.

"These people are crazy," Kai muttered next to me.

I looked out the window. "They're my people." I said.

"Sorry, Your Majesty," he replied, "Let me try again. Your people are crazy."

I smirked. I hadn't spent much time with Kai before, but I was beginning to like him.

"Kai, you've been investigating the riots since the beginning, haven't you?"

He nodded, not blinking.

"Be honest with me. What have the investigations been like on your side? I get reports, but sometimes I don't think they're 100% honest."

He shrugged with one shoulder. "Sydney leads the investigations. I follow orders. Most of the investigations involve hacking, watching CCTVs, interviewing witnesses, tracking down conspiriters. I found two of them myself, and dragged them in for questioning. Something's funny about it though."

"Like what?"

He pursed his lips together. "I think there's a rat in the castle aiming for you. But I don't think there's a leader to these riots. They're disorganized. Fed by media gossip and speculation. Someone's selling drama and everyone's buying."

"And Sydney? What has she been doing?"

"Honestly? She's been working her ass off. I don't think I've ever seen anyone work as hard. If she'd stop getting sabotaged, she would have figured out the culprit by now."

I frowned. "Sabotage? What kind of sabotage?"

"Anything you can think of. Files gone missing. Fake evidence. Fake witnesses. As soon as we made any kind of progress, it was destroyed and we were sent three steps back." Kai raised an eyebrow. "Didn't Suho tell you?"

I shook my head. "Was he supposed to?"

"He said that he explained all of this to you." He turned his head as the car stopped. "We're here."

He hopped out of the car and held the door for me, hand on his weapon. I couldn't remember the last time I walked through a crowd this large, but I did my best to smile as they shouted, swore, and questioned me.

This would be fun.

"For your safety," Kai started to explain, "we'll take you to a conference room. You can answer all the media's questions there. The broadcast will go live on these screens."

He pointed to the electronic billboards we had around the city, along with a few large TV monitors we had for emergencies. We used them for an evacuation scare once, and for the broadcast of my wedding and crowning.

This was the first time Y/N wasn't by my side during one of these broadcasts.

Kai led me to the conference room, full of flashing lights and overwhelming murmurs. I took my place at the podium.

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