An Inconvenient Frienemy - 3 - Jungkook POV - Admirers

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I wasn't suspended.

But why?

"Hanna's admitted full responsibility," the principal had said. "Considering your reputation and grades, you're free from the consequences this time. But remember, a royal isn't always so lucky in these situations."

Why would Hanna take the blame for me? Wasn't she pissed at what I said? That's the whole reason she jumped me in the first place, right?

I stretched out on the bench. Now my back, neck, arm, AND ribs hurt.

Where was she anyways?

Even though she was technically suspended, they wouldn't kick her off campus. That would cause the paparazzi to go nuts. Usually the family was contacted, it was marked on the student's record, then they'd be given some kind of school community service project to work on. Something about punishment and character growth going hand in hand, and blah blah blah...

So what was her service?

Classes were finished, I didn't have any homework to do, and I couldn't bring myself to go to the library to study. I wandered through the halls looking for her, seeing what kind of weird tasks the principal would have given her.

The glass hallway gave me a good view of the outside, and after walking halfway down the school, I finally found her.

Gardening work. They gave her gardening work.

She didn't look completely uncomfortable in her working clothes, but she had a permanent black thumb. With no supervision, those plants were bound to meet their Maker.

She tapped her forehead with the back of her hand. Two girls approached her from behind, smiling and laughing. Hanna frowned at them. They crossed their arms and leaned forward, laughing some more, but Hanna turned around and threw a handful of grass at them. They scattered away, and Hanna went back to her work. After a moment, she leaned back on her knees and pouted.

This girl...

I reached back into my bag and pulled out a cold bottle of water that I had gotten at the vending machine earlier

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I reached back into my bag and pulled out a cold bottle of water that I had gotten at the vending machine earlier. I stopped the next student that crossed paths with me, putting my hand on his shoulder to get his full attention.

"Hey, do me a favor?" I asked. "You see that girl over there? Go give her this bottle of water."

He scrunched his nose. "You mean Hanna Lee? Why should I do that?"

"Because you're a good person," I said, tightening my grip on his shoulder.

He flinched. "Sure, okay. Got it."

He took the water bottle and stepped away. He went out the glass doors, walking through the grass to approach her. She gave him her pug-frown, and gave the bottle to her. He only said one line - a vague one, I guessed, based on her confused look - but she thanked him before he walked off. She took a drink, her pug face turning back into a content puppy.

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