Ch 37 - Your POV - Queen

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"The stomach pump did the job," Xiumin said. "You're lucky he only took half a dose."

Tears were streaming down my face. "It's all my fault..."

"Unless you're the one that actually laced the melatonin, it's not your fault." Sehun said, offering me monotoned comfort.

"First Y/N is shot, and now Jimin is drugged." Hanna said, putting an arm around me. "Can't Sydney get her act together and find the real culprit?"

Jungkook nodded. "This proves that Priest Lee is innocent, anyways."

I put my face in my hands, trying to stop the tears. Jimin was talking about Priest Lee right before he took the sleeping pill.

Who would come into his room and lace his sleeping pills?

Why was I so useless?

Hanna's hand rubbed my back. "Someone would have had to go into his room and lace the pills. Or switch them out. Who had time to do that?"

Jimin's father and mother came from Jimin's room. Jimin's father had his arm around his wife's shoulders as she put on her best smile. I could tell it was fake. I had so many of those smiles myself.

"My baby boy is in pain, but he's healing nicely." she said. She put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad you were there with him, Y/n."

I nodded, trying not to cry again.

"Will you stay with him tonight?" she asked.

I wrapped my arms around myself. "Of course. I couldn't sleep tonight otherwise."

She smiled warmly. This was a real smile. "Thank you."

Suho escorted me back to my room as I picked up a some toiletries and a change of clothes.

Before I could leave, however, a knock came to my door.

Suho opened it. "Your father and mother, Your Majesty."

The hair on the back of my neck stood up.

He was in my room. And I had no one to protect me this time.

"Suho," I commanded. "Come inside with them."

My father raised an eyebrow at me. I tried not to shake. He wouldn't hit me in front of Suho.

I hoped.

My father smiled. Almost like he was proud of me. "I suppose it isn't a private matter, anyhow. I've made my position on this marriage quite clear."

My father took two large steps forward, handing me a small stack of papers. "Sign this." he said.

I looked over them. "What is it?"

"Annulment papers."

I almost dropped them. "What?"

"Sign this and the problem goes away." Father said. "The marriage was a mistake from the beginning, and the people are demanding that you two are separated. The dangers didn't come until you two were married. You'd be safe if it wasn't for him."

I gritted my teeth together. Safe? I'd be safe? Was he joking?

I gripped the papers, crunching them in my fist. "You call living with you safe?"

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now