Ch 38.5 - Words

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Hanna tapped her foot against the balcony rail, watching the staff as they worked. She sighed. It must have been nice to have direct orders - to work in the castle and know your exact role and purpose.

Being the second youngest princess in her own castle didn't give her that kind of luxury.

She snapped out of her thoughts as Jungkook and Chanyeol entered her view, rushing towards the security room. She pursed her lips. Jungkook wasn't the type to run for fun.

Hanna got up from her seat. 

Something was wrong.

Before she could reach for the handle of the security room, the door flew open. She stepped back.

Jungkook huffed. "What is it this time?"

"Hello to you too," Hanna replied. "What's going on?"

Jimin walked up behind Jungkook, his forehead matted in multiple lines. Hanna frowned.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "What's happened?"

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but then stuck his tongue in his cheek. His eyes dropped.

There was only one reason both of them would be so concerned. 

Her heart leapt to her throat.

"It's Y/N, isn't it?" Hanna asked. "What's happened to her?"

Jungkook and Jimin exchanged glances. Jungkook turned to Chanyeol, handing him a cell phone. "Get Jimin to the car," he said. "I'll be there in a minute."

Chanyeol bowed, then led Jimin towards the entrance of the castle. Hanna turned back to Jungkook.


"Suho's the leak." he said, his mouth flat. "And he has Y/N. I need you stay here with Jin until we get her back."

The words slowly registered. Hanna clenched her teeth. "You think I'm just going to sit here while Y/N's in danger?"

He shook his head at her. "I don't have time to argue with you about it."

He started to walk off, but she grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him back.

"Take me with you." she said. 


"I can help."

"I won't let you."

"You really think I'm that helpless?" she threw back. "That I'll be that useless? Don't treat me like I'm weak, Jungkook, I won't stand for -- "

Jungkook growled, grabbing her shoulders and jerking her forward. "I can't risk losing both of you! Do you understand!"

His piercing eyes made her lose her voice. But only for a moment.

"I-I don't need you to protect me. I can take care of myself. I'm not the type of woman who's going to --"

Jungkook jerked her closer, his face nearly brushing hers. She froze, not daring to breathe.

"If you don't shut up," he said, his voice low, "I'll make you shut up."

His eyes didn't leave hers for a moment, his breath hitting her lips. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

Would he really...?

She shut her mouth again.

He dropped his hands, letting her stumble backwards. Her heart pounded in her ears.

"Stay here," he said. "I won't forgive you if you follow me this time."

His voice was stern, but his eyes were soft.

It was the first time he ever looked at her that way.

He turned to leave again, but she reached for him. Not for his sleeve this time, but for his hand. He turned back to look at her. There was a thousand things she wanted to say, but she could only get out two words.

"Be careful," she said, squeezing his hand.

His eyes fell down to their clasped hands. He looked back up and nodded. 

"I will," he said, squeezing back. 

As his hand left hers, she wished she had the strength to say more. 

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now