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Hey guys please get me some more reads please help me!


Madison POV

I woke up and I'm in are dark room with only one light and it is above me. "HEY LET ME GO!" I yelled but as soon as I said that a door slammed open. "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT OR YOU WONT LIVE LONG!" I was now praying for someone to come and save me........

Chandler POV

I have texted Madison like over a hundred times and she is not answering. "MOM IM GOING OUT!"

"OK! Be home by nine!" she yelled and I grabbed my jacket and left. I was half way to madison's house but I saw her phone on the ground and blood. "crap." I am now calling the police.

"911 what is your emergency?" a lady said in a sweet tone.

"my girlfriend is missing and I just found her phone and..... Blood in the middle of the road." I was now crying and screaming into the phone.

"please stay calm and tell me were you are at."

Madison POV

I was now crying all I want is to be home with the people I love. Chandler, mom, dad , sister,......

"now time to get series tell me were your family is at and you will live. And I know who you are you are carls love interest in the show The Walking Dead, Madison Patrick!"

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