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Madison's POV.

"Hey get down here your dad needs you and you sister down here now. So grab your sister and come down!" "ok" I yell back to my mom."hey mom and wants us down stairs now!". I mean it!". Some reason when my parents want a family meeting it is usually bad news witch I hate. I walk down stairs to see everyone sitting down."sit down" I sit next to my sister Lizzy ( my friends name is Elizabeth so don't get them to confused).

I see my dad is holding some tickets and it says Georgia Atlanta and immediately new something was going to happen."so I got some news and you probably won't like it but we are moving." What this can't happen I have FRIENDS HERE HOW CAN YOU DO THAT. I CANT LEAVE ELIZABETH!" I run up stairs and go into my room and lock the door but then I got a text from Elizabeth!


Elizabeth:Hey! I have some news and its not good can I come over so we can talk about it?

Me:Ok. Come over when you are ready and I have some news to and its BAD!

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