Chapter 6: "My story"

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Dinner was ready, finally! We all were seated, I was next to Jeff and Jane because they would start to fight and argue and I was good at shutting them down with some sarcastic remarks, or just by pointing out who was right and why.
Most of the time Jane had really good points, while Jeff just said some kind of gibberish.
As we all finished eating we all decided to play Truth or Dare.
Why? I don't know, I just know that that was a mistake.
"OK (f/n) your turn! Truth or Dare ahahah" asked L.J.
"Oh...Truth?" I said, not wanting to choose dare since L.J was the one asking.
"Well ahahahah, Tell us your story, your past eheheh" I froze. 'W-what? I can't... SLENDER CAN YOU HEAR ME? PLEASE HELP!'
'(F/N), I think it's time you talk about your past' he said telepathically.
"Well?" Asked Jane, poking my side.
"Y-yeah. Here goes nothing" I took a deep breath.
"I was born (B-day/m) (B-day/d) in a somewhat rich family. I was an happy only-child for 4 years, then I remember having a brother but...I never saw him, I just know I had a brother. Anyways, as I started elementary school, me being too pure and kind, got bullied and made fun of, everyone took advantage of me. I never showed anyone my powers and never even THOUGHT of hurting my bullies, even if now I really regret it.
I grew up, my only friend being Laura (if that's your name change it). She was the best, obviously she didn't know about my power, but after the last year of middle school, we kinda went separate ways. I'm currently 19 and I was in my first year of college when Toby and Slendy took me. I was studying Asian languages, my objective was to master them in order to just run away.
My parents at first were loving and sweet, even if I kinda remember having a brother, they didn't remember him. The same day Toby and Slendy took me, my dad left my mother because she cheated on him. I had the feeling she was cheating for a long time, but I never really paid much attention to my instinct, not wanting to accept the reality I had to deal with. Now I'm here".
Everyone was looking at me and listening closely to me, when L.J asked :"Are you sure you had a brother and it wasn't just an imaginary friend of some sort?"
"No, I know he was my brother. My memories of him are blurry, but I remember that when he turned 3, he disappeared. Since then my parents forgot about him completely". I said.
Jane then hugged me: "That sucks (N/n), but stop crying OK?"
"I'm not crying Jane, what are you saying?" I asked, so confused I could hit myself.(Reference to something! What is it?).
I touched my cheeks, I was indeed crying.

~~Time skip brought to you by Jeff sharpening his wife...I mean knife~~

As I sat in bed I wondered where everyone was, then I remembered they were killers.
'I am officially crazy! I am living with killers and I am feeling comfortable with them wth?! I am so fucked up. What if someday they decide to kill me?! Ah no wait, I'm the only way they can survive and kill Bitch-Zalgo-demon wannabe' I thought, giggling a bit.
That's when I heard a knock and went to open the door.
"Hi! Remember me?! I'm bored, so do you wanna come with me?" Asked Splendy , taking my hand without even waiting for a response.
As I was dragged in his room, he flickered the lights on just to find all the Slender brothers in the room.
"Welcome (f/n)!" They all said, more than everything they sounded annoyed.
I looked at Splendy, he had a really scary look in his face.
"That's supposed to be A WELCOME?!"
He yelled angrily and all of them but Slendy, being the boss he is, greeted me more enthusiastically.
"Sorry dear if it didn't sound good, we were just kinda annoyed because of what he made us wear" I looked at them, now noticing their outfits. I started laughing so hard I thought I was gonna die because of lack of oxygen.
They were wearing DRESSES.
"Why d-did *wheeze* you d-d-dress them up l-like *wheeze* that?!" I said in between my laughs.
"You know, just wanted to make you laugh a bit ehhehe" he looked like he truly enjoyed seeing them like that, and so did I.
As I stopped laughing I asked why I was there.
"You see (f/n)" started Trendy "we all wanted to make you a surprise for your arrival" he said.
"So we thought that we could give you a weapon and clothes for training and for your missions!" Exclaimed Slendy, taking my hand and leading me to a pile of clothes. I examined them.
There was a grey hoodie, a (F/c) tank top, jeans and (2F/c) shoes, black gloves and a mask.

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