14 | Collin Part.1

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FOURTEEN – Collin Part.1

"Hmm... and we finally meet." He said with a lop-sided grin. "How's you?"

"Shit! You look just like me." My eyes almost popped out of my sockets. It was like I was looking in the mirror at myself and wasn't it creepy.

"That's the first smart thing you could come up with?" He—Collin—chuckled darkly. "You're funny. That I give you man."

This was creepy to say the least. The creepiest part, the similarity between our eyes. They were grey just like mine with a tinge of black around the iris. In a weird way they made me feel like I was staring at my father all over again and that pissed me off so much and I didn't know why.

"Didn't your daddy teach you not to stare." He raised a crisply shaped eyebrow for a guy if you asked me. I scoffed with a roll of my eyes as I settle myself on the bleachers next to him.

"Why the bleachers?" I inquired.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me.

"Isn't it too public or something for someone who wanted to see my head on a spike?" I asked and he laughed, his eyes sheeny with unmistakable amusement.

"You're so clueless. Did someone ever tell you that?" He questioned. I just huffed and glared daggers into his head. I don't know why people always say that, I grumbled internally with a roll of my eyes.

I had so many questions. So many of them swirling around my head, floating, drowning and resurfacing just to repeat the process all over again. So many that I didn't know how to choose much less decide where to start.

We sat in uncomfortable silence staring at the inmates that were playing their respective sports in the different fields. Some soccer, some basketball, some volleyball. Others discussing god knew what in groups. To the simple eye, everything seemed normal but if you focused like look, it all looked staged. Like there was something more than what meets the eye.

The atmosphere, it also said a lot but the heaviness of it probably had something to do with my status quo... that was why I shrugged it off like whatever. If only.

"You're thinking too hard." Collin chuckled as he chanced a glance in my direction. "Just ask." I looked at him and moved my gaze to where Sami was seated with Roxy—talking.

Sami did the eyebrow thing where he raises one of his brows without moving the other most probably asking 'how's it going there?' But I just shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and refocused my attention back to Collin.

"What's your story?" I finally asked.

"I have many stories Xander. You have to be specific when you ask." He answered without looking at me. "By the way, you never answered my question?"

"Which was?" I tilted my head inquisitively.

"Which do you prefer? Alex or Xander?"

"Really?" I stared at him like 'are you fucking serious now?'. "It's not like you answered mine." I glowered at him.

"Touché." He laughed.

"Its Alex inside here but I prefer Xander." I replied. I don't know why because if anything I didn't owe him any explanation but it probably had something to do with the fact that I was fucking sitting next to my darn twin or just the mere fact that my emotions were hyped—all over the place. My palms were sweaty, my heart was thundering against my precordium, blurring my hearing and plausibly my thinking ability.

"My name is Collin Jaarson." He started after short silence making my eyes bulge out like 'What the fuck?' "And before you interrupt me and ask how and why and where... you know, all the 'w' questions they taught you in high school? Just... shut up and listen. You might learn something." He smirked and I raised an eyebrow. "So obviously, we are twins and blah blah blah and even identical ones at that. Can you believe it? I wouldn't have known you were my twin, if I wasn't like you know..."

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