1 | Arcanum

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ONE - Arcanum

"Ndeshi..." I gasped, blinking twice to make sure what I was seeing wasn't just a figment of my tortured imagination. But no, it was real. It wasn't a figment of my imagination. She was there. Seated in front of me on the other side of the glass barrier, looking like a goddess.

Two years.

That's how long it had been. How long I'd been waiting to see that face. Only God knew how much I missed her. God... and her lips. She had her signature lipstick on.


I gulped hardly to get my acute horniness in check.

My mind was going haywire with everything I wanted to do but couldn't. There was a barrier between us. Between everything in my life, barricading my every move.

"Hey, Alex..." Uncle G—prison guard—tugged me forward.

"Wha—what?" I snapped my head in his direction, perplexed.

"Are you good?" He pushed me into the room. "Move. You look like you just saw a ghost."

I sighed and looked at the girl seated on the other side of the glass window. "I think I just did." I whispered.

"Who is she?" He asked removing my handcuffs.

"No one you should know shit about." I looked at him coldly, suddenly feeling a tug at my temper. He raised his arms in mock surrender after clasping the cuffs to his belt.

"You're learning." He said with a crooked grin.

"What can I say, I am learning from the best aren't I?" I retorted with a cocked brow.

"You bet your white ass you're." He morphed back to the crude prison guard he was with the rest of the inmates, raising an oddly black eyebrow on his already dark complexion. "Remember—"

"Trust no one." I interrupted him. "Not even you."

"Good. You've thirty minutes." He said and exited the dimly lit room—private visiting chambers as the inmates call it—separated by a glass window secluding me from the outside world.

I ran a hand through my wrist, massaging away the after effects of the handcuffs, adorned in the defiled looking green jumpsuits. Sighing deeply, I seated myself right opposite her, collecting the phone from its cradle and on my ears. Ndeshi mimicked my actions with a conspicuously heavy heart.

"You came." I whispered into the phone with a baited breathe.

"It's not like I had a choice." She licked her red lips beguilingly. That caught my instantaneous attention, making me gulp painfully.

"You always have a choice Ndeshi." I told her truthfully. "What changed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you here?" I asked her snappily, cutting to the chase. "You didn't in the past twenty months. I fucken waited and waited for you but you never came. I stopped expecting a visit from you. Two years, that's how long it has been. How long I have been stuck in this hellhole. So excuse me darling if I am not in a not-so-pleasant mood. Again, what the fuck are you doing here?"

She didn't reply immediately but when she did, I could see the repulsion radiating from her very core making itself known in all the gory ways, butchering my heart into irreparable pieces.

"Don't fool yourself boy." She spat putting emphasis on the 'boy'. "I am only here because of Valeria. So please make sure—"

"Boy." I cut her off. "So we're at that stage now?"

Prisoner of Circumstance | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora