3 | Uncloaked

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THREE – Uncloaked

“But really? What do you think he will ask? Like ask as in price-payment?” Sami looked at me questioningly, provoking an annoyed grunt from behind my throat.

“Fuck, for the hundred and millionth time, I don’t fucking know Sami.” I answered exasperatedly. “How many times do I have to tell you ‘I don’t know’ for you to understand because you have been grilling me with that fucking question for the last twenty-how-many-hours...?”

“I know; I know but… I am just thinking… Fuck, I am worried asshole.” He snapped at me suddenly. “Some of us can’t be cold-hearted bitches like you and burry our emotions beneath five thousand layers of coldness. We feel, feel as in some things and more importantly some people evoke certain fearful emotions in us and we fear for our dear lives— “

“Dear god, can you shut it now.” I hollered, cutting his ranting short. “I get it. You are fearful or whatever the fuck you just said. But please before I lose my last remaining shred of sanity, can you shut the fuck up and let me sleep or think, since you ranted me out of my darn sleep.”

“Okay. I am sorry.” He sighed dejectedly, making me tidbit bad for yelling at him. I know he was just being a good friend, looking out for me but I was having a bad day and I lost it.

“Sami— “

“No its okay. I get it.” He cut me off curtly. “I am annoying and I am annoying you.”

“No, please don’t say that.” I sat up straight, slinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I hurt his feelings like I always do to everyone that means something to me. “It’s not that. I am just stressed and worried. It has been two days and Melinda hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I am sorry for taking my stress out on you.”

“Please don’t do that to me.” He sighed gloomily. “You are the closest thing I have got to a buddy. I already lost my brother. I would hate it if I lose you too.”

“I promise it will never happen again.” I told him. “Can I ask you something though?” I ask after a while.

“Yeah. Shoot.” He looked at me curiously.

“When was the last time you spoke to your brother? Ryan?” I queried.

He didn’t reply immediately. “A year or a two, I think. I don’t really know. He was so screwed up after the breakup with your friend.”


“Yep. That’s her.” He agreed quietly. “I think I am gonna sleep now.”

“Okay.” I smiled at him. “Good night buddy. We have a long day tomorrow.” He just hummed a response and left me in utter silence.

I hated it when he was in that mood. Sucked up in the darkness, buried deep within him. It scared me shitload because it showed how much pain he was in. How much he went through and had to go through.

He was a good person to whom bad things happened and I hated this world for that. And it was uncalled for me to act like a Class A jerkass just because Melinda didn’t show up. Speaking of which, Melinda—my lawyer—had been MIA. It had been two days and she didn’t get back to me yet and it scared the shit out of me, thinking that I made a deal with the devil for…

You know what, I don’t wanna think about it.

Let me just sleep and rest my brain.

Every day is a new day with new bullshit.

Just thinking about tomorrow has got my tummy doing somersaults already.


Prisoner of Circumstance | ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt