Prisoner of Circumstance

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Prisoner of Circumstance


© Stephen S. Higoam™️ 2020


H E L L O!

If you're reading this book then it means that you've read Victim of Circumstance and you liked it. If not, please STOP right HERE head over to Victim of Circumstance. Prisoner of Circumstance is the sequel of Victim of Circumstance, meaning for you to understand Prisoner you need to read Victim.

That being said, without further ado, welcome back folks.

Welcome to Prisoner of Circumstance. The second instalment of The Circumstance Series. A story that will take you on another emotional roller coaster as you navigate through the life of yet another enticing character.

I don't have a lot to say but just a mere thank you for taking your time out to read Victim of Circumstance because VoC is the reason you're thinking of giving PoC a chance. So thanks a lot for the support. It's highly appreciated.

In addition, I highly beseech you all not to be silent readers. Please let me know what you think of the book. The highs, lows, mistakes, just anything that might be pertinent to the story. I would appreciate it. And please if you like the chapters, press the star ⭐️ button. It would mean the world to me.

Additionally, bear in mind that this book is a work of fiction. Some of the locations and incidents are a product of my imagination as a writer, therefore any resemblance of this book is just coincidence.

PoC is the second book in The Circumstance Series that will be released in the following order:

1.Victim of Circumstance - COMPLETED
2.Prisoner of Circumstance - COMPLETED
3. Volatile Circumstances - TBA

These are NOT stand-alone novels, meaning you have to read them in the chronological order.


W A R N I N G S!
~ Adult language
~Sexual scenes
~ Violence




C O P Y R I G H T!
Prisoner of Circumstance is my story. All characters, events and plots in this story are all my ideas. Therefore any unauthorized reprint of this material is prohibited. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, including any photocopying or recording.



P. S. The book is UNEDITED.

Thanks for choosing PoC

I hope you enjoy it.


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