5 | Unsought

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FIVE – Unsought

"Urgh..." I grunted in disgust when I saw the person seated on the other side of the glass wall with his signature snarl-y look that hardly ever changed whenever it concerned me. "It's you. Go figure. HEY...!" I cheered with faked exuberance, pulling the chair out begrudgingly and settling myself in the seat, collecting the phone from its cradle after few seconds of deliberation.

The person copied my actions, removing the phone from its cradle and placing it on their ears. The room was in eerie silence for a moment before he broke it.

"Nothing has changed I see." He seethed with an uninterested, revolted look. That didn't surprise me a bit because like I said already, wherever I was or am concerned, he always had that snarl-y, indifferent look on his face.

"What are you doing here 'dad'?" I hissed, putting more emphasis on 'dad' just to make my hatred and objective profound of how much his visit today was unwelcomed. "If I remember correctly, I told you the last time we spoke I don't wanna see your phony ass."

"See." He spat, pointing a finger in my direction still carrying the same distasteful look. "Exactly what I am talking about. The same ungrateful, spoilt brat. And how disrespectful of you? Phony ass? Is that how you speak to me?"

From all the things he said or more like spat in that sentence, there was only one line or word that struck a nerve. "Ungrateful you say..." I trailed off with my mouth half agape, actually not believing the words that left the bastards mouth. "What do you expect? For me to give you a gold medal for what exactly? Yes, I am fucking ungrateful because you've done nothing but wreak havoc in my life and I am supposed to be grateful?"

"And that. You're doing it again." He started in his stern, authoritative voice. "I regret— "

"No, no, no, no, no. NO!" I cut him off mid-sentence, not up for his bullshit. "We are not doing this now. I am fucking tired and its late. I want to sleep. So, if you don't have anything better to say, good night because I am not gonna sit here and listen to your derogative bullshit. Thanks to you, my life is a colossal mess right now. I am fucking behind bars accused of crimes I didn't commit thanks to your corrupt ass and you still expect me to be grateful. I am living on borrowed minutes and it's all thanks to you. So please just say whatever fuck you came to say so that I get my ass out of here and out of your unwanted, nauseating presence."

He didn't say anything for a while, just kept staring at me unnervingly. Something that used to scare me shitless when I was a kid but no longer. I have had his bullshit up to my neck.

No more.

"No? Nothing?" I enquired. "Okay. Then good bye and good riddance." I stood up.

"Sit your ass down Alexander." He growled menacingly. "I am not done with you." I didn't heed his order immediately but I eventually did because that tone only meant one thing. That the beast was finally out of its cage and no one wanted a one-on-one interaction with that demon.

At least not me. I have seen the worse of that.

"What?" I groaned, uninterested and sickened. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to talk to you." He said still bearing the same cold, uninterested visage.

"About what?" I tilted my head questioningly. "Talk."

"I wanted you to meet someone." He heaved a sigh. "I wanted you to meet Sarita. Your stepmother."

Those were the words I wasn't expecting to hear from him. Not the words I wanted to hear him speak. And least of all, not in that moment.

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