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I am me.

I am who I am today because of my past decisions.

I am a product of who I was shooting for unlimited self-betterment.

I am an image of perfect imperfections.

I strive to better me and nobody else.

Simply... I do me.

Striving, fighting and shooting.

Well, at least I think I did.

Before everything fell apart.

Before my life fell apart.

Everything I loved.

Everyone I loved.


In the dust.

Dispersed in the wide expanse of the cruel world.

I had it all but just like any possession, I lost it.

All of it.

Everything and everyone.

I’m only left with questions.

Questions that have been on repeat.

Questions that have been wrecking my wit.

Questions that always end up without answers I so desperately need.

Answers I want.

They’re always the same.

Always starts with the, what happened?

Then it goes onto, what changed?

And then, how did I fall so hard?

How did my life become so screwed up?

When did everything become so screwed up?

When did my life become so screwed up?

Was it my own doing?

What…? When…? How…?

Every mistake. Every misstep. Every mishap.

Every decision I ever made, whether right or wrong led me to today because deeply buried in the dark pit of anguish only filled with nothing but utter and total darkness, pain and blood is how I know life will screw you over twice and toss you deep into the blue salty waters of the Atlantic with awaiting vultures expecting to devour you whole until you’re nothing but just an empty vessel passing the days as they come with no will or hope to live.

Deeply buried in the dark pit of anguish only filled with nothing but utter and total darkness, pain and blood is how I know life doesn’t have a specificity. That it doesn’t carry an only-this-type-will-experience-it-at-its-apex manual.

Life is how I became what I am today.

All things I never were.

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