Mark Two ¦ My Struggle. My Pain.

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You undressed me
Left me naked
Drenched in pain
Nothing but never ending anguish
Why me I want to ask
I (did) ask(ed)
But I wouldn't get the answers I so need
I couldn't
I don't know why not
I didn't know then
And I still don't

Drained and drowned I am
Dissected and utterly gutted I feel
For life
That's for sure
No questioning that
But again, there is another one
A question
Where out from here I ask
To myself
To the open air
To whoever that's listening
But there are no answers nowhere to be found

If you could just give me a break
Lemme breath for a while
Just give me a peace of my mind back
I would...
Silence... because it would be that priceless
But again, it's not like you owe me anything
If anything
This is my struggle
My pain
And no one else's

Stating it like it is;
Know that I am also human
And I need a break
I need a release
An escape
I need to fly
I need freedom
But I guess that's too much to ask


Prisoner of Circumstance | ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang