"You wouldn't want to see them, Minseon, you would be scared."  you sighed and stood up on your feet, but not before grabbing ahold of your small backpack you took with you.  "Let's go somewhere's else, I don't like being around so many people."

Minseon didn't question you, he just stood up and followed after you as you started to walk away in the direction of a small group of trees, ones that provided shade and were nice to relax under.

"Ah, this shade feels so nice on the skin," you exhaled and leant back against the bark of the tree, eyes shut with relaxation.

You laid there peacefully for awhile, having not a care for the world and its problems as you sat on the green grass that tickled the exposed skin on your legs from time to time. You heard Minseon moving beside you, and you just assumed he was trying to get comfortable, until a sweet smell invaded your nostrils.

"Are you- a-are you bleeding?"  you opened your eyes to stare at Minseon, who was nursing his bleeding hand,  "did you.. was that on purpose?" you asked, quickly covering your nose and turning away from the boy. The temptation was strong.

"N-No,"  his eyes were wide as he shook his head, covering up the fresh cut with his free hand,  "I-I d-didn't mean t-to!"

His scent was driving you crazy.  It called to you repeatedly, but you knew better.  You weren't going to harm your best friend, not now, not ever.  With a determined look in your eyes, you shakily got off the ground and onto your feet, still covering your nose.  You fought back the strong urge to pounce on him right then and there and, instead, took shelter behind a shed far away from him.

You panted heavily.  Up and down up and down up and down, you chanted in your head, squeezing your eyes shut until you saw nothing but blackness.

"[Y-Y/n], wh-where are you!"  a familiar voice called out desperately, nearing your location.

"[Y/n]!  [Y-Y/n], please!"

You continued to keep your eyes glued shut, fearing you'd hurt somebody if you opened them to the slightest sound.

Footsteps neared where you sat, curled up in a ball, the urge getting worse as the main source of the sweet-smelling aroma stopped in front of you.

"M-Minseon, go away,"  you said through gritted teeth, the gums above your fangs were pulsing with want for the sweet and delicious red liquid.

He remained silent for a bit before he laid his hand upon your arm, in which you backed away from.  The boy frowned,  "Wh-What's wrong?"  he asked, feeling guilty yet worried for you.

'How does he not know what's wrong!'

He grabbed your chin and forcefully pulled it up so your eyes stared into his own.  His mouth hung agape as he looked mesmerized by your eyes.  You assumed they must be red at this point.

"Y-You won't h-hurt me,"  he mumbled after what seemed like endless staring, shifting his gaze to your lips, an unreadable look in his eyes.  He didn't show fear.... at all.


Minseon leaned in towards you, giving you a hug that was showing he trusts you.

But, all of the sudden, you blacked out.



"Y-Your eyes a-are—"

"Ca-Calm d-down!"

You felt your body loosen, and then your eyes shot open.

"Minseon..?"  you said in confusion, looking around.  "This is the second time I blacked out..  What's wrong with me?"  you asked with a small frown.

"Yo-Your eyes– th-they w-were yellow again.."  the boy mumbled under his breath, squirming underneath you.

You were on top of him.

On top of him?

'How'd I get here?!'

You jumped back and pushed yourself up against the solid wall of the little shed, confusion evident in your eyes as you looked back and fourth between Minseon and your hands.

'D-Did I.. hurt him?'

'Can't you understand?'

'What..? Am I hearing things?'

'Claim him.'

'Claim who?'

'The boy. You want to protect him.. don't you?'

Minseon stared worriedly at your face, wondering why you stopped moving.

'Claim him. Without him, you will never be complete.'


♥︎ a/n ♥︎
What do you think will happen?

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