Third Cover

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Welcome back to the second installment of a double update... and the drama starts... NOW! I actually like these next few chapters quite a bit, so I hope you enjoy them too. I love you all, and thank you for a great year with these books. Have fun with this chap, and comment/vote if you wish xxx


November 14, 2026


My wife and I wake up at about four in the morning to her phone ringing.

"What the hell," I mutter under my breath. "Answer that bloody phone, Harper."

She groans, then reaches over to the nightstand and fumbles around a bit before finally finding the phone. "Hello?" she asks, placing it to her ear.

I see, vaguely, as it's still dark in our room, her face grow concerned.

"I'm sorry, what?"

A pause.

"But I've never played that role before. I haven't even been en pointe since I was in the Royal Academy of Music."

Another pause.

"Okay, I'll be there."

She sets her phone down and groans, then turns on the light.

"Patrick, change in plans."

"What's going on?" I murmur.

"I just found out a few interesting pieces of information. First of all, I had no idea that I was the third cover for Odette in Anastasia, but apparently, I am. Second of all, I learned that I'm going on for Odette in both shows today and I have to report to rehearse the part in three hours, at 7:00."

"Wait... do you even dance that well?"

"No!" she almost screams, jolting both of us to be a bit more awake. I don't even think she expected the word to come out so passionately. "I can do about three fouette turns, and not confidently. Odette has to do about a million."

"What are you going to do?"

"I wish I knew."

"Where's Kath? What about her understudy? And that understudy, if you're third cover?"

"Apparently our entire cast is falling apart. Luke just received word from Kath that she's viciously throwing up, her throat hurts so horribly, and she has a fever of nearly 39 degrees. I have no idea where it came from, as she was fine yesterday. Her understudy is swung in for another one of the Romanov sisters, Ruby, who has been out for a few days, as apparently that entire dressing room is getting sick. Her second understudy is at a funeral, as her mum just passed away. So, they need me to go on for Odette, and my understudy is going on for me."

"That makes absolutely no sense."

"It doesn't, but I'm Odette for both shows today now."

"Oh my god," I groan. "Okay, what do you need me to do right now?"

"Help me find my bloody pointe shoes. I could swear that I threw them in some closet when we moved. I know where my leotard and tights are."

"God, alright," I reply, dragging myself out of bed. The cold air of our flat hits my bare chest as soon as I come out from under the duvet, so I pull on a hoodie. Harper wraps one of my flannels around herself, then we start to search through the flat for Harper's dance gear.

We find her leotard and tights quite easily, as those are accessible for any rehearsals that she may need to go to. I pull out her character shoes as well, since I stumble upon them, figuring that she may need those.

"Now for those ballet slippers," I mutter to myself. "Where would you have put them?"

"I couldn't tell you to save my life," she admits. "Let's just start looking around."

We check every last nook and cranny of the flat, but can't seem to find the shoes.

"God, I don't want to drop £80 on new pointe shoes today," she groans.

"Make Katherine give you the money. It's her fault for getting sick," I wink.

"Shut up, this isn't the time for your jokes!" Harper snaps at me. "I need those pointe shoes."

"I don't know what to tell you, love. They're just not here. Perhaps they're still with your mum?"

"God, now I've got to go to the bloody dance store and buy some new bloody pointe shoes. And don't forget the gels and lamb's wool. I've not been en pointe for so long that I don't even think I'll remember how the hell you do it."

"Isn't it a bit like riding a bicycle? I don't think you can forget that... muscle memory and all."

"Even if I do remember, I'm going to be so sore tomorrow that I'll be the one calling off. Maybe Katherine will have to play Anya. That would serve her right."

"Hey, deep breaths, lovie. You're turning into a stressed out monster. You're going to be amazing today. I'll even try my best to get a ticket."

"You aren't going to want that. I'm going to mess it up and everyone is going to make fun of me, and I'm going to ruin the entire show."

As she says this, tears form in her eyes.

"Hey," I tell her, "don't say that. It isn't true. Plus, you're only Odette for one scene. You're a Romanov sister for the rest."

"What if I don't fit in Kath's costumes? What if I forget the words to the songs or mess up the harmonies?"

"You two are a similar size. You'll fit. And you know this entire soundtrack by heart. You have for so long. I know that you can do this. If you forget a harmony, just sing melody. Nobody will notice. Not that I faked my way through school choir with that technique or anything..."

Harper lets out a tiny giggle, wiping a tear off of her cheek. "I think I'm going to have to get new shoes and break them in before tonight."

"We will go as soon as the first dance store in London opens. You'll go to your rehearsal for a little bit, learn the Romanov blocking or something, and then I'll come pick you up and we can go buy pointe shoes so that you can learn the Odette scene. I'll pay, so you don't have to worry about spending £80. We can afford it, I promise."

Harper gives me a small smile. "Okay."

"You can do this. I believe in you. I know that it's stressful, but at the end of the night, it'll be something that looks really great on your resume."

Harper laughs. "I guess you're right."

"Now, take a deep breath, go fix yourself a smoothie for breakfast, and start getting prepared for your rehearsal. I'll do the same, and we can take the tube into London together. I'll sit outside while you rehearse. I'm going to be with you every step of the way."

"You are the absolute best husabnd in the world," she says, nuzzling her face into my chest. Her words are muffled by my chest, but that, somehow, makes them mean even more.

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