One Hand, One Heart

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Happy, 'it's Sunday but I don't have school tomorrow' day. anyone else? Whoooo! I'm so glad that you all liked that last chapter. This one isn't nearly as fun, but it's got some fluff, so enjoy anyway. Comment/vote x


December 2,  2025


As I look at the calendar in the morning, while Harper is still sleeping peacefully, tired from our big night last night, I realize that it is three weeks from today that our lives are going to change forever.

We are going to become one. One hand, one heart. Most importantly, one life.

I'm going to get to call Harper my wife, for the rest of time. She's going to be mine and only mine.

Only three more weeks.

I've got to go to work soon, and I realize that Harper isn't going to be awake anytime soon, which is fine. She needs to be all rested for her show tonight.

I wonder how her understudy's debut went last night. Hopefully it was good, becuase Harper is going to be missing another show in three weeks.

Before I leave the flat to go to work, I grab a piece of paper and scribble a note to my fiancee.

Sorry I couldn't be there to kiss you when you woke up. You slept late, and I'm glad, because you've got to be rested for the show tonight. I had an amazing night last night. Thank you for that.
Guess what? Three weeks from today, we are going to get to do something really special. I can't quite place my finger on what it is, though.
Just kidding. I'm counting down the seconds until I get to be married to you. I love you so, so much, sweetie. Have a good day, and I'll see you after I get home. If you're bored, then you can go into the city and pick up some cupcakes...we could have our cheat day on the diet, and celebrate three weeks. Only if you want to, xxxx
I'll see you once I'm home. Have a nice day!

I set the note on the counter next to the electric kettle, where I know that she will see it as she is making her cup of tea, then I look at the clock.

If I hurry, I'll be able to run and pick her up a scone to go with her tea from the bakery down the street, and be back before I have to be off to work.

I decide to do just that, running as quickly as my legs will carry me. Thankfully, there isn't that long of a line, so I'm able to get it and run back home. Harper is still sleeping, so I just set the scone on the counter, then grab my bag and run out towards the tube.

Even if I'm a few minutes late, which is rather possible, if there are any difficulties with the underground, I don't have any appointments scheduled for my first time slot today.

I manage to make it to work, though, in the nick of time, so I just sit down at my desk and start to answer some e-mails that I've been putting off for quite some time.

As if it is timed perfectly, my first client shows up just as I'm hitting 'send' on my last e-mail response.

The day seems to drag on, but I keep thinking that I'm going to get to go home and have a little celebration with Harper. Three weeks until we are married.

It's going to be the longest three weeks of our lives, but it's all going to be worth it in the end.

When the day finally wraps up, I hurry home, and thankfully, Harper is awake, and with cupcakes.

"You are the best," I laugh, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her tenderly. "I was so hoping that you'd take my suggestion."

"Thank you so much for the scone, by the way. It really hit the spot."

"Not a problem," I reply. "I'm glad that you enjoyed it."

The two of us open the cupcake box, and laugh as I remark that it might as well just be our dinner.

"I'll whip up some pasta or something," she offers, "but for now, the cupcakes will tide us over."

As we are savouring our chocolate treats, a cheeky little grin develops on Harper's face. "Love, I have a very serious question."

"Oh? What's that?"

"On the evening after we are married, can we go see Les Mis?"

"Well, that's not what I was expecting to happen that night," I laugh. "How about no?"

"Why?" she whines. "I miss it."

"Love, I thought that we wanted to have a quiet night in, just the two of us."

"Well, yes, but..."

"I'll take you to Les Mis some other time, okay? It can be your wedding present or something."

"Fine," she laughs. "So long as I get to see it again."

"Alright," I tell her, joining in on her laughter. "That was an incredibly serious question, love."

"Hey, I had to get your attention somehow."

After we finish up our cupcakes, and Harper is cooking up the pasta that she promised, as well as heating some red sauce to go with it, I look at her. "Are you sold out tonight at the show?"

"I'd doubt it. Why?"

"I might come and see what sort of a seat I could get."

"I'd bet that you could get a free ticket," she says. "If the seats are empty at the last possible minute, then Cassie's mom always gets a free ticket."

"That's nice. I'll hang around, then."

"What makes you want to come tonight, specifically?"

"I don't know... just excited about what's happening three weeks from today, I guess."

"I don't know how we are going to last these three weeks," Harper remarks. "It's going to feel like forever."

"But," I tell her, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her body in closer to mine, "it'll all be worth the wait in the end, when I finally get to tell the whole world that you are my wife."

"And I'll finally get to tell the whole world that you're my husband. And that day that I get to do so, it's going to be the best day of my life."

"I love you, Harper Kennedy."

"And I love you too, Patrick Alwyn. More than I could ever express with words."

"I think that's why people get married. They don't know how to express their love with words."

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