Close The Door

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Hi everyone! I hope you all had nice days. I drove for the first time (20 feet in a parking lot) and it was terrifying lol. On my topic of life rants, because that's what these author's notes usually become, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and anyone who knows me knows how much I HATE going to the dentist so that'll be fun. Anyway, moving on. This is a bit of a sad one if I'm being honest. Sorry about that kiddos. I hope you all enjoy anyway- go ahead and murder me in the comments if you wish lol.


August 5, 2026


The entire cast is called into a meeting at the Piccadilly Theatre, half an hour before our usual call time, on our two show day. That's why I'm now sitting on the stage, with Katherine on one side of me and Toby on the other.

It's the nice little cherry on top of everything else that's stressful going on in my life right now. I have no idea what this is about.

When Luke walks out onto the stage, though, I can tell that it probably isn't something too great. He's clearly trying to look positive, but he's not succeeding.

"Hello, everyone. Thank you for gathering here today. I hope you are all having a nice day."

There is a slight murmur among the group, which consists of our cast, crew, pit, and even front of house workers.

"It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that I got some not-so-great news from the producers last night."

Absolute silence falls across the group as we all focus our gaze on Luke.

"Our beautiful show is going to be closing on November 28. Most of your contracts will be ending then, anyway, but I believe that a few contracts were ending before then. If that's the case for you, I'm going to please ask you to consider staying on board until we close, under the same pay that you're currently receiving. For those of you whose contract ends after November 28, you will receive unemployment wages between closing and your contract ending."

Nobody quite knows what to say, and the silence in the room is deafening, so Luke continues to speak.

"This is nothing that could have been prevented. Each and every one of you should be proud of the work that you have done in this show, because our production as stands is quite gorgeous. Our theatre is needed for other productions. I believe that the transferring production of an American musical called The Prom is moving into this theatre. I am going to encourage each and every one of you to purchase tickets to see that show and support the cast. They're being given their chance on the West End now, as you all were for this production. Please, be happy for the amazing times that we have had, and not sad because they're over."

He pauses.

"That's all that I have to say, right now. Please keep this on the down low until it is announced on our official Anastasia social medias in a few days. Our company meeting is dismissed."

Everyone silently stands up and heads off to their dressing rooms. I don't know how to react to the news.

I can't help but feel that it was my fault? What if I wasn't good enough at carrying this show? Did that lead to us not playing to a full house every night? Did that lead to us closing?

"Kath?" I whisper to my friend as we are climbing the stairs to our dressing rooms, "can I come sit with you in your room for a bit? While we do our makeup? I don't want to be alone right now..."

She frowns. "Are you alright, love?"

"Yeah, I guess... just, shaken up from that news."

"Hey," she says, clearly knowing what I'm thinking, "there's nothing that you could've done to prevent it. There's nothing that any of us could have done. Luke said so."

"What if he was lying?" I whisper. "What if it was my fault?"

Katherine rolls her eyes, pulling me aside on the landing of the staircase. "Harper, it is in no way your fault. Don't take it personally, okay? Shows close. They just do. There's nothing that anybody can do about it, just like Luke said."

"But why was it our show that got closed?"

"Because, love, they weren't about to go closing Les Mis or Phantom of the Opera. Pretty much every other show is going to close sooner or later."

I let out a little giggle, knowing that she has a point. Neither of those shows are ever going to close, more likely than not.

"Anastasia closed on Broadway," Kath continues, "while Christy Altomare was still there. She was the original Anya."

"Yeah, and she was amazing," I remark. "I can't live up to that."

"Okay, that's not the point that I'm trying to make here," Kath says, rubbing my arm. "The point is that she was amazing, and the show still closed. You're amazing, too. You're not the reason that we are closing, okay? So, take a few deep breaths, go grab your makeup from your dressing room, and come on over. We can share a station for today."

I give her a little smile. "Thanks, Kath. You're the best."

We finish making our way to our dressing rooms, then I do just what Kath told me.

I actually have quite a bit of fun getting ready in the Romanov girls' dressing room. They play some music and dance around, giggling the whole time.

"Do you do this every day?" I ask Kath.

"Don't you hear it through the walls?"

"I mean, I play my own music, but it's never this... fun. I'm a bit lonely in there sometimes."

"Well, it's a party in here almost every day, and you're welcome to join us anytime you want," she smiles.

Once my makeup is done, I have to go back to my dressing room to do my pincurls and get into my costumes, so I say goodbye to the Romanov girls. I feel significantly better by now. Kath's little pep talk in the staircase really helped me to start thinking straight again.

She's right. Shows are going to close. Every show will, eventually. I just can't believe that, right now, it's time for this one.

But the more that I think about it, I decide that it's pretty cool that I'm going to be the final girl to play Anya in Anastasia on the West End. I'm one of three girls to hold the role on the West End, excluding understudies and swings, of course.

I try to keep that attitude up as I go into this two show day. If I'm going to be the last Anya, then I want to leave on a high note.

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