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Hey everyone! Wow, it's been so long since I've updated... I'm so sorry. I think I told you all that I was in tech week last week, and my show went really well! Other than that... I've missed you all these past few days. Let's talk! How are you all feeling about Taylor's new song? I love it! How about Tony nominations? What shows are you all rooting for this season? I'm team The Prom (: Well, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Comment/vote xxx


February 13, 2026


On Friday night, since Harper is at her show and I find myself with nothing to do, I decide to go over to Taylor and Joe's. I know that they're not doing much tonight- they haven't been doing much any night, lately.

Taylor might be curled up with a guitar pressed against her stomach, which is not yet swollen from the baby. She might be strumming it lightly and humming a melody to herself as a crime show is playing on the telly. Joe is probably watching it with complete attention span. Taylor wants to get herself dragged into the story, but she also wants to finish this song before she loses the idea and inspiration which is currently striking through her. We have all seen her do it before, on multiple occasions.

As I'm on the tube towards Taylor and Joe's flat, I text with some friends, making plans to meet up tomorrow night for a pint, at a little pub in Angel, a quaint little area of London, which we used to venture to quite frequently during our days in university together.

When I arrive at the flat, I have to chuckle a bit. The scene that I see before my eyes isn't quite too different from what I had envisioned. Taylor is curled up under a blanket, all cozy with pillows piled around her, watching Law And Order. She's sipping what appears to be some sort of a fruit juice, and Joe is drinking a beer.

The hardest part of this whole 'pregnancy' thing, for Taylor, is probably going to be that she can't have wine for so long.

"How are you doing?" I ask her, seeing as she looks slightly pale.

"Morning sickness is hitting hard, and not just in the morning," she says. "Otherwise, fine."

"I mean, I think that's normal? I'm not really a doctor," I laugh.

"Yeah, it is normal," Taylor nods. "We had a chat with the real doctor on the phone and she assured me that everything is perfectly fine."

"That's good," I smile.

"I think that Taylor is feeling a little stir-crazy, so I'm glad that you stopped by," Joe states.

"I figured that she would want some company that wasn't you," I wink.

"Ouch," Joe says, throwing a cheeky glare in my direction.

"Yeah, no, Joe, Patrick is right," Taylor deadpans. "I really needed to talk to somebody who isn't you. You've been driving me absolutely crazy."

"Alright, I see how it is. I'll sleep on the couch tonight," Joe winks, causing all of us to laugh.

"Seriously, though, Tay. Are you getting lots of visitors?"

"Not many people know yet. Your parents do, but my parents don't. They're coming over tomorrow, though, and we are going to tell them then. Other than that, it's really just... well, Selena knows, and Abi knows. You remember my friend Abi, right? The redhead?"

"Oh yeah," I nod. "Curly hair, American?"

"Mhm. She's going to be the little one's godmother."

"That's so sweet," I smile.

"She's flying into London in a few days to help out for a little bit, and then again in late September, when I'm very pregnant."

"She has a flexible job, then?"

"Yeah," Taylor confirms. "It's nice."

I look at Joe and Taylor. "So, when are you going to tell the world about the little one?"

The married couple exchanges a look. "Well," Joe says, "we aren't quite sure. Realistically, it would be nice to keep it a secret until he or she is actually here, but that's probably not an attainable goal. Probably when Taylor starts showing, like, a lot, we will make a social media post about it, but when she's still able to hide it, we are going to. It would just make for an awkward situation if she were to be caught on photograph and nobody knew yet."

I nod, knowing how true that is. Even though Harper isn't anywhere near as famous as Taylor is, by any sort of comparison, she still has a group of 'fans,' and if she were to disappear for months on end, and then reappear with a baby bump and silence, there would definitely be some questions raised.

"I'm going to keep posting things on social media, just little candid looks into my private life, but really, they're all going to be old pictures," Taylor explains. "Like, taken this month or before. That way, I can keep the children fed but still keep my privacy."

I let out a laugh. "Keep the children fed?"

"You remember when they all went crazy after I finished up my reputation tour and couldn't stop coming up with crazy theories? I'm just trying to keep that from happening again. They were counting fence holes for months."

I laugh, thinking about that time. I hadn't thought of it for so long, but it's true. As an insider who knew what was going on with Taylor, it was quite funny to watch them count palm trees, stairs, rhinestones, and whatever else they could, and try to figure out what was going on. In a situation like this, though, one person accidentally coming up with a correct theory could be the first domino to fall.

I stay around with Taylor and Joe for quite some time, wanting to take Taylor's mind off of the fact that she is stuck at home for a bit.

We have quite a fun night, actually. We watch an episode of Law And Order beyond the one which was halfway done when I came, play cards, and eat some cookies that Joe baked for Taylor yesterday when she was having a craving.

As it gets later, though, I realize that I should head back home so that I can snuggle with Harper as she falls asleep. At the end of a long day, for both of us, it's truly my favourite thing to do, and Taylor and Joe both know that.

"Be safe on the tube," Taylor tells me. "Thank you so much for coming over."

"Hey, it was my pleasure. I had so much fun tonight," I smile. "Bye."

"Bye," Taylor and Joe reply, then I walk out of their flat.

As I walk down the stairs, I think about how weird it must be to be living in the same building as Taylor Swift. It would be pretty cool, though, I must admit.

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