Just You Wait

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Hi everyone! A bit of a later update than usual; I spent my Friday night babysitting, which we love. This chapter is a bit of a filler, but the next chapter is going to be lots of fun, so hang in there for this one. Enjoy, comment, and vote xx


December 1, 2025


I fiddle with the buttons on my shirt as Harper curls the ends of her hair in preparation for the ballet. I scored us some dinner reservations before the show tonight. Don't ask me how, but I guess the stars just aligned.

"You look so gorgeous," I say. "My god, how did I get so lucky?"

"I think that same thing about you," she says to me. "Should I pull my hair back or leave it down?"

"Leave it down tonight. Maybe put one of your sparkly clips in it?"

"Oh, that's a good idea," she says, grabbing a headband and putting it in her hair.

"It looks great," I tell her. "All of you looks great."

"Are you sure the dress isn't too revealing?" she asks, folding her arms across her chest. "Just, like... the whole 'strapless' thing?"

"You're fine," I tell her. "It's not too revealing unless it falls off. That's going too far."

"Gee, thanks," she rolls her eyes. "Plus, don't even bring that up. I can't deal with that thought. I hate strapless dresses for that reason, but they're so pretty..."

"Well, if it makes you feel pretty, then you have to wear it," I say, placing my hands on her bare shoulders and kissing the top of her head.

"Don't worry. I'm going to. I feel like I need some fancy fur wrap or something with this."

"Oh my gosh," I roll my eyes with a laugh. "We can't afford one of those, love."

"True," she replies. "I think that my normal fancy coat will do just fine."

"I'd have to agree on that one."

She smiles as she stands up and turns around. "Love, you'd better finish up with those buttons on your shirt."

"Oh, right. That," I laugh, finishing up the top few buttons, then grabbing my tie, tying it, and tucking it in place.

"Don't you look handsome," she cheekily says as I put my suit jacket on.

"We're a pretty good looking couple, aren't we?" I ask, placing my hand in the small of her back and leading her out of our room. "Well, we had better get going so that we can make it to our dinner reservations on time."

"Fine by me," she tells me, slipping into her coat, then intertwining her fingers with me as the two of us walk towards the tube. Her heels make a nice little noise with every step that she takes.

Soon, we find ourselves in Covent Gardens, only about a five minute's walk away from the Royal Opera House, which is all lit up with twinkling lights in preparation for tonight's event. The only way to make it look more perfect would be with a dusting of sparkling snow, which could only be provided by Mother Nature.

Harper and I are seated and soon place our orders at our restaurant. She's holding her phone in her lap and looking at it every few seconds.

"How's Katherine doing?" I ask her, causing her to look up from her phone and blush. "Fine," she says, placing her phone down on the table. I know that she was texting her friend, and I honestly think that it was sweet that she was being supportive.

"Don't leave her hanging, alright? She needs support from her friends tonight."

"She was practically born dancing this role. It's been in her bones from the moment that she first learned it. She's going to kill it tonight."

"But she's still got some nerves, hasn't she?"


"I figured. Go ahead and comfort her if she needs it."


After a moment, she tucks her phone away in her bag. "Kath has to deal with her makeup and such."


"Yeah. She has to look perfect. Her wig is really elaborate, and she's got this really sparkly, elegant tutu."

"That's awesome. I'm excited to see it."

"Thanks for coming with me."

"Hey, it's a great way to get into the holiday spirit, if nothing else."

"True," Harper laughs.

We continue to converse as we eat our meals, then I pay the bill and we leave the restaurant.

Outside, the darkness has fallen upon us, but the street lamps are lighting up the night. Christmas lights are twinkling on every surface, and it all seems to lead the way to the giant Christmas tree which was officially 'lit' a few weeks ago.

Harper and I decide to take a moment to marvel at the sight before we head into the Opera House. As we are standing there, hand in hand, small little flakes of snow begin to fall, landing on our noses and in our hair.

"Oh my gosh!" Harper squeals with excitement. "Patrick, it's snowing!"

"Just a little bit. I don't think it's cold enough to stick, but it's quite pretty, isn't it?"

"It's amazing."

I hear her take a deep breath in as she looks up at the stars in the sky, at the moon shining down on Covent Gardens, and the little flakes of white falling down onto her face. She squeezes my hand, and I lean over, catching her off guard as I pull her in and kiss her lips.

"Now," I ask, after we have finished our romantic little moment, "what do you say we head into the Royal Opera House and find our seats? The show will start soon enough."

"That sounds perfect. This whole night has been perfect, Patrick. Thank you so much."

"Hey, I've got to spoil you a little bit, don't I?"

She giggles. "In case I don't say it enough, I love you."

"You say it more than enough, love. But I'll always love hearing you say it just as much as I did the first time."

"In that case, I love you, I love you, I love you."

At that, she stands up on her tip toes and presses her lips against mine for another kiss. We passionately and tenderly kiss for a few stolen moments before she pulls away and grabs my hand, leading the way to will call so that we can pick up our tickets.

We are both amazed at how good our seats are, in the front row of the dress circle.

"Perks of knowing a dancer, I guess," Harper tells me with a small laugh.

I look around the gorgeous theatre, taking in all of the plush red velvet seats and gold trip around the room.

"This is gorgeous."

"And it's absolutely going to be the perfect venue for The Nutcracker. Just you wait, Patrick Alwyn."

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