Save The Date

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Sorry, nessa_peachess but this one isn't gonna make you mad! ;) (she just found out that I sometimes write chapters with the sole purpose of making her mad... oops) here's a bit of fluff, but I suppose it's important fluff, so have fun and comment/vote please and thank you x


October 12, 2025


As time sneaks away from Harper and I, we soon realize that we had better get things going if we want this whole ceremony to happen in late December. Though we could technically wait, we want to make sure that we will be able to get the registry office available. That's how Harper and I find ourselves at the registry office, waiting to have a meeting with somebody who can direct us in our process.

"Harper? Patrick?" a friendly looking lady asks, coming up to us, after what feels like an eternity of waiting.

"Yep," I nod.

"Wonderful. Right this way, please."

She leads us into her office and shuts the door behind her. "You two are looking to have a marriage ceremony in the registry office?"

"Correct," Harper nods, clearly fighting back a giant smile as she tries to maintain professionalism.

"Wonderful," the lady tells us. "Congratulations." The name tag pinned to her blouse reads 'Sylvia.'

"Thank you," we smile.

"When would you two be looking to do the ceremony?"

"Sometime around Christmas, if possible," I state.

"Alright... we are open for..." she types something into her computer, "December 17th, which is a Wednesday, or December 23rd, which is a Tuesday. If neither of those dates will work for you two, then we can probably arrange for another, but those would be the most convenient for me."

"Can we do the Tuesday, or is it too close to Christmas?" Harper asks. "With the Wednesday date, I'd be missing pay for two shows, but with Tuesday, I'd only be missing one, at least."

"Fine by me," I tell her. "Let's schedule it for the 23rd."

"Perfect," Sylvia states, typing something into the computer. "I'm just going to need to see your valid identification with your name, age, and nationality, as well as proof of address."

We both produce our passports and driver's licenses, then grab hands as Sylvia checks them over. Harper rests her head on my shoulder.

"How does it feel?" I whisper to her. "We are actually doing this, hm?"

"It's crazy," she laughs. "I didn't think that this day would ever come."

"Alright," Sylvia says, standing up to retrieve our documents from the printer, "your notice will be on public display until your ceremony, and you will sign the certificates then. You must have at least two witnesses, but more are welcome. The certificate, however, only requires signatures of two witnesses. You will need to exchange vows, as this is a marriage as opposed to a civil partnership, so please prepare those. The certificate will cost £4, but your registration fee, which you will pay now, is going to be £46. Please have the £4 available on the day of the ceremony, or the price will be raised to £10. You will receive a confirmation letter with times for the ceremony soon. Just make sure that you are here on time. We typically recommend that couples show up fifteen to thirty minutes prior to their scheduled ceremony time, and witness come ten to fifteen minutes early. I believe that's everything. Do you have any questions?"

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