Say Something, Talk To Him

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If anybody gets my title reference then good job. I'm proud, hehe. Thank you all for your kind words regarding my test. It wasn't terrible. English was easy, math was sort of horrid but I think I did alright? All that I know is that I'm exhausted now. Goodnight and you all know the drill- enjoy/comment/vote x


December 27, 2025


Inside of the small hospital cubicle, the lighting is dim and the curtains are drawn, as it is well past sunset, though we are still able to see. There is a bed, an armchair, and telly. Not too much else, besides the seemingly countless machines which are hooked up to Cooper's tired-looking body.

All that I can do is be thankful that Cooper doesn't look any more lifeless than he currently does. That would really shake Harper up.

He gives us a small wave from the bed, acknowledging that he sees us, however he doesn't take out his earbuds and speak. It would break any of us to exchange words on the topic. All three of us already have tears glistening in our eyes.

In the armchair, Audrey sleeps silently. She had promised that she would wait for us, and she did keep her word.

"Should we wake her?" Harper whispers to me, not able to comment on Cooper. I don't know what to say on that topic either, so I instead nod, watching Harper walk over and lightly shake her mother. "Mum..."

The woman wakes up almost instantly. "Harper, love," she smiles, "how was your performance?"

"It was good," she states. I'm quite tired after two today."

"I can imagine," Audrey replies. "Well, we can keep this quick, Cooper just wanted you to see what was happening and the facilities and such. Cooper, love?"

He pulls the earbuds out of his ears and props himself up onto his elbows. I can tell that he is already starting to feel weak from the side effects of the chemo.

Audrey begins to explain the whole process to the two of us. She must have payed quite good attention when she had it explained to her. Harper and I know very little about cancer treatments, so it really is quite informative to the both of us.

Near the end of our explanation, given mostly by Audrey with a few interjections from Cooper, a nurse comes in, so we are able to meet her. She is Cooper's 'night' nurse, and there is a different 'morning' nurse and 'afternoon' nurse.

By the end of our visit, I think that Harper has at least a little bit more peace of mind about the whole situation. She knows that her father is in good hands.

The staff is doing all that they can to keep him alive.

The thing is... I know that both of us are wondering if it is enough.

"Harper," Audrey says to her daughter, grabbing her arm as we are getting ready to leave, "love, don't worry about this. Even if nothing can be done, he will still have a few months, and Cooper and I have decided that we just need to cherish the time we have left together, instead of fearing the inevitable. Will you promise me that?"

"I can't promise that," she admits. "I'm the first to admit that I'm a worrier, and you know that."

"I need you to try, though. You have to be strong, for yourself and for your father."

"I'll try," Harper says.

"Thank you."

I give Harper's hand a squeeze as to reassure her that she can do it. I know that she can do it, and I can help her with it.

"Well, you are probably exhausted, love. Get home and get some rest. I'd like to be on my way back to the hotel, as well. We will be in London for quite a while longer, though, so you can drop by and visit whenever you're available."

"Thank you."

We all walk over to the bed and say quick goodbyes to Cooper, then move into the hallway, pulling the door to his room shut.

"Oh," I speak up, "do you need a ride? Our driver could easily swing by your hotel."

"Driver?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"It's Taylor's driver," Harper explains to her mother. "We don't have a car, so we snatched hers to avoid having to deal with the night tube."

"And I'm thankful that you did," Audrey replies. "You kids know that I don't like you taking the night tube."

"God Mom," Harper rolls her eyes, "if you knew some of the things that I did at the Royal Academy of Music..."

"I don't even want to know," she cuts her daughter off. "Now, a ride would be lovely. Thank you so much Patrick."

I lead her and Harper to the lift, then into the car. We give Taylor's driver the address of the hotel, and we take Audrey there.

Then, he drives Harper and I back to Lower Holloway, to the flat that we call home.

"Thank you so much," I say, slipping him a £20 note for his troubles. We did have him drive all around today, in all honesty.

Once Harper and I are inside, and cuddled safely under our duvet, I roll onto my side and face her. "What did you think of that?" I ask, pushing a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"He's in good hands. I told you, I'm fine."

"But I'm not sure that I believe you, hon."


"You're my wife. It's my job to know you this well, and I know that you're not doing as fine as you claim that you are."

"How could I be?" she asks, letting her guard down as she finds herself crying, again. "My dad was the first person who held me when I was born. My mum had me through surgery, so she wasn't able to. I was cleaned off and given straight to my dad. He's always been around. Sure, I haven't been the best about making visits to my parents since I moved to London, but he's still the man who sat through countless West End shows, dance recitals, and choral concerts, not becuase he wanted to, but because he loved me. To be told that, within a few months, he's probably going to be gone... it's not easy."

"I know," I say, pulling her into my arms and holding her, "but I promise, that I'm here to help you with it. So many people are. Your mom, Taylor, Katherine, Nessa... we are never going to leave your side, Harper Alwyn."

"Thank you, honey."

"Just, promise me one thing."


"Don't be so afraid to talk. It'll help you if you can open up every now and then, okay?"

"I'll try."

"That's my girl."

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