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Hello! Well, I hope this chapter isn't complete rubbish... I'm not very fond of it and I almost fell asleep multiple times while trying to proofread. I tried guys haha. Let me know if you like it- don't forget to comment/vote xxx


March 14, 2026


I can't help but be excited when I wake up on the morning of my birthday. I mean, even though it isn't an 'important' year, per say, it's still my birthday. I'm excited to get to see so many of my friends, too. They're coming over in a few hours, so I spring out of bed to get ready for them.

Patrick and I cleaned most of the flat yesterday, so that's not an issue. It's mainly just pulling out food, and Patrick wants to put up some decorations, apparently.

Patrick wakes up only a few minutes after I do, and he stops me from the last bit of tidying that I've begun.

"Hey, it's your birthday party," he tells me. "You shouldn't have to be in charge of the cleaning."

I sigh with defeat. "Alright."

"I'll do it. All of it."

"Is there anything that I can do?"

"Go take a nice warm shower, and do your makeup all pretty, and play your music loud, becuase it's your birthday. Happy birthday, love." He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks," I smile at him. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now, go do what you need to make you feel good for the day, because it's a big one."

I pick out a dark pink, a-line dress from my closet, paired with a denim jacket that has some Taylor patches on it, and carry my outfit and makeup bag into the bathroom.

Picking a playlist from my phone, I start to play my music and prepare myself for the day. I braid my hair, steam my vocal cords, and put on some light makeup.

"You look gorgeous," Patrick tells me once I re-emerge from the bathroom. "All ready for your friends to start coming? They'll be here in a few minutes."

"Yep. Is there anything that I can do?"

"Nope. Relax, love. It's pretty much all prepared."

"It looks great," I tell him, looking between the food on the table and the 'Happy Birthday' banner that's hanging on the wall.

"Thanks," he smiles. I press a small kiss on his lips, then go to the sofa and have a seat.

Taylor and Joe are the first to show up. "That was wild," Taylor laughs, clinging to Joe's hand. "We were almost caught by the press, but we weren't."

"I'm glad," I tell her. "You look good, Tay. How was your trip to the States?"

"Nice, but it's good to be home."

I laugh. "Understandable."

Nessa and Katherine show up next, then the others start to come, as well.

It's so fun to get to see everybody, and my friends all hit it off quite well. Harry, of course, is thrilled to get another opportunity to speak with Taylor, his all-time favourite artist. Taylor happily obliges in conversation with him, as she needs some sort of distraction from the fact that she's feeling a bit like she's going to throw up.

The food is simple but yummy. Patrick managed to pick all of my favourite items for the table- fruit, yoghurt, scones, croissants, chocolates, and tea for a drink, to name a few.

We are really going to be eating the leftovers of this party for days, it seems. It's a lot of food.

Over the course of the few hours which the party spans, I'm able to talk to each and every one of my guests for quite some time. We all take pictures together for Instagram, except for Taylor, of course. Those pictures, I'm going to keep to myself until everyone knows about her baby.

All too soon, it's time for all of the theatre people to head into central London for the matinees. That means that Katherine, Ruby, Megan, Harry, and I all take the tube together, which is quite the adventure. We have lots of giggles together, probably bothering everyone else on the train, until we have to split our ways, as Megan and Harry are going to the Queen's Theatre, and the other three of us are going to the Piccadilly Theatre.

Once we make it to the theatre, we all sign in, then Ruby and Katherine go to their dressing room, and I go to mine, right next door. I steam my voice once again for a bit, then start to do my makeup and such. Jenni comes in to do my wig, and I get into costume.

I'm reminded, as I look in the mirror, of just how much I adore being Anya. I'm the third girl to play Anya on the West End. That's crazy. There were so many girls who have played Cosette, and I was incredibly honoured to join those ranks, but with Anya, I'm only one of three.

I performed last year on my birthday, and it was such a special show. I'm so fortunate to get to do what I love so much, every day, really, but especially today.

Patrick is coming to both of my shows today, and he is going to come hang out with me backstage in between shows. That's going to be our special celebration. After our evening show, I've been informed that there's going to be some cake onstage. Luke is picking it up.

It's so nice of him to do that for me. He does it for every single person in the company, actually. It's an incredibly sweet tradition that has been going on at Anastasia ever since the show opened on the West End. Lots of shows do it, actually. It really represents the family that is made up of performers.

As I stand in the wings, waiting to make my entrance, I'm giddy.

Then, I make my entrance. After my eyes adjust to the lights, I'm able to catch a quick glance in the direction which Patrick informed me his seat was. Of course, I'm not allowed to make eye contact- that would break character. I'm allowed to steal quick glances, though.

What I see catches me entirely off guard.

I see Patrick, exactly where he told me he would be. But next to him, I see the last person I was expecting. Sitting next to Patrick, I see my dad.

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