Corner Of The Sky

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Hi friends. Awww I saw Taylor Swift on August 7th, like 8 years before this chapter is set (on August 7th) loolll. This chapter is a big one so I hope you enjoy it. No update tomorrow as I have some fun plans. Have fun with this one though and leave a comment/vote if you wish xxxx


August 7, 2026


"Well," I say to Harper, putting my hands on her shoulders as she's sitting in front of the mirror and fixing up her makeup, "are you ready?"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she says, turning around and smiling at me. I bend down and place a little kiss on her lips. Today is the day that we are going to receive the keys to our new house. Our keys for our flat are being turned in tomorrow morning, so we will be able to have a bit of time to finish packing up our things and transport them to the new place.

"Put your makeup back in the box, then we can get going," I tell her.

This morning, after signing the papers to make everything official, we are going to finish packing everything up. If everything goes smoothly, then tonight, after Anastasia, Harper is going to come home to our house in Hampstead, not our flat in Lower Holloway. We are planning on taking two or three trips with our rented moving truck, to ensure that we get everything over there.

Nessa, Katherine, and Joe are going to come over tomorrow and help us get everything sorted.

It's a bit bittersweet to be leaving this flat where I've lived for many years now, but I couldn't be more ready to enter this new chapter of my life, with Harper by my side.

It isn't too long before all of the papers are signed, and Harper and I return back to the flat with new keys in our pockets. Both of us are quite chuffed, unable to stop smiling.

Once we are back at the flat, we spend a few hours picking up everything else that is left. Just as we are finished, the movers come in to help us make a plan of action. It is quickly determined that, as we don't have a lot of things, it can be done in two trips.

"How about we get the furniture loaded up into the truck first, then we can fill any spare room with boxes?" one mover suggests. Harper and I nod.

"Will you be needing help from us?" I ask.

"No, we have everything covered. Just walk around the flat and be sure that you have everything, becuase whenever you turn in your key, you won't be able to come back and get it," the mover replies. We nod, then run off to start checking every corner and cabinet.

After opening every cabinet and checking every closet, Harper and I determine that we have everything. Even the sheets off of our bed have been stripped and packed away.

"Well," I say, grabbing her hand and giving it a little squeeze, "this is it. It looks like we are going to be getting out of here today."

She looks at me and gives me a big smile. "We are going to be alone in there, Patrick. Just you and me, against the world. It's going to be a peaceful and beautiful."

I giggle. Every now and then, our neighbors above our flat were quite loud, but it was never too much of an issue- just enough to irritate Harper when she wanted to sleep after her shows on Saturday nights.

"It's going to be a new dynamic, for sure, but I'm excited," I tell her. Soon, the movers come into our room and inform us that they have their truck packed full.

"Great," I smile. "We will catch the tube and meet you over at the address in Hampstead, then get everything unloaded there."

At that, we watch the movers drive away, then walk to the nearest tube stop.

Harper still has a few hours before she has to go to the theatre, so we should be finished with the moving before she leaves.

Before we know it, another trip has been taken, transporting the second half of our things to the new house.

I look at Harper. "Shall we head back and say goodbye to the flat? Then you can take the tube to the theatre from there? I'll make sure our keys are turned in and everything."

"That sounds perfect," she says.

We make our way back to the flat and look around the empty space. There's now nothing left except for the carpet on the floor and the paint on the walls. It has an eerie feeling to all of it, really.

When we are finally ready to leave, both of us take a deep breath and look each other in the eyes. This place holds a lot of memories for us- a lot of firsts. Our first real relationship unfolded between these walls. Our first night after we were married. So many tears were shed, and so many happy moments were shared in this tiny flat.

Now, it's time to put those memories in our brains and leave the physical evidence behind. We are moving on to a new place where we are going to make so many new memories, perhaps for the rest of our lives.

"You ready?" I ask Harper.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she replies.

So, with that, we take a deep breath and walk out of the flat, our hands clasped together. Down the stairs, one last time. We turn in our keys and say goodbye to our doorman in the lobby.

Then, we leave the building.

"You're coming back to our new house after the show, then?" I confirm.

"Yep. I'll take the tube home with Kath."

"Perfect. I'll see you then, my love."

And with that, we share a glorious kiss, celebrating this monumental moment in our lives, before parting our ways inside of the tube. We have to catch two different trains on two different platforms.

It isn't too long before I'm stepping into Harper and I's new house for the first time. It feels so natural, like we belong here. We have finally found our own little corner of the sky.

And we never want to leave.

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