Easy To Love

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Happy Friday everyone! This chapter is for my girl Kath, who spent a long time asking for this one (: sofaroffbway I hope you like it! Thank you all for reading- comment/vote x


February 22, 2026


Time passes as Katherine gets more settled into her role. After a few weeks, she's not even scared of the singing anymore, and she's absolutely shining out on that stage, eight times per week.

While Katherine is thriving, my dad seems to be declining. I'm visiting him almost every day now, and nothing is getting better. Because of that, I'm trying my hardest to keep myself busy, as a distraction. That's how I find myself at Nessa and Katherine's on a snowy Sunday afternoon- probably one of the last snows of the season before the warmth of spring starts to fall upon London.

"So," Nessa says, giving us a smile, "I have some exciting news. I've been hiding it from both of you for quite some time, actually."

"Whoa, sis, what's up?" Katherine asks.

"Do you want the news that impacts you more, first or second?"

"Tell us that second," I suggest.

"Alright. So, first news... I'm dating somebody."

"Wait, again?" Katherine blurts. "Ness, don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you, but you've been going through men faster than I go through pointe shoes..."

"I know," she says, "but this one is different. I promise. He's such a good guy."

"How did you meet?" I ask. "How long ago?"

"Well, we just hit one month," she smiles, all giddy. "We met at an event that I attended for University, and just hit it off really well."

"That's so awesome," I smile. "What's his name?"

"His name is Gabe. Here," she says, pulling her phone out of her pocket and touching the screen a few times, "is a picture of us." Nessa proudly displays a cute selfie of her and Gabe, quite resembling ones that I have with Patrick. She's smiling so big, and he is cuddled up next to her, planting a kiss on her cheek and clearly catching her off-guard.

"You're so cute together," I smile.

"He's hot," is Katherine's only remark.

"And he's mine."

"Touche," she laughs.

"So, my next point is, Gabe owns this travel magazine company, and he's offered me a position writing for him after I graduate with my journalism degree."

"Oh, so it's like that. I see," Katherine teases.

"What?" Nessa asks.

"Oh, don't play dumb," I laugh, knowing exactly what my friend is hinting at. "It's the oldest trick in the book. You get involved in... um... romantic relations with a guy, just so that he gives you a job. Do you know how many people have gotten into shows like that? You sat through the first few episodes of Smash with me, right?"

"God, no, it's not like that!" Nessa exclaims, her face blushing a bright red.

Katherine and I start laughing. "We were just teasing you."

"Well, shut up, becuase that's not the idea at all. We were already dating for a while when he offered me the job. Anyway, we are moving pretty fast. Already talking about the future and all that. God, I really love him, guys."

"Nessa," I tell her, "look at me and answer me honestly. He has never laid a finger on you, has he?"

"Not in ways that I don't want," she says, staring down into her lap, where she fidgets with her fingers. I know that I'm hitting on a topic that she doesn't like, and probably one that Katherine still has no clue about, but I need to make sure that this man is safe. I need to make sure that she's treating her like the amazing girl that she is, and not taking advantage of her.

Even though Nessa really isn't too much younger than I am, and there have been plenty of times when I've looked to her for advice, I still feel sort of like her big sister, in a way. I'm compelled to make sure that she's in a healthy relationship.

"Can we meet him sometime?" Katherine asks, changing the subject.

"I'll see what I can do. Anyway, onto the second piece of news. If this whole job thing works out, then I'll be going to New York City around Christmastime, and Gabe isn't able to come, so he said to bring some frien-"

"YES!" Katherine cuts her off, causing me to laugh.

"Nessa doesn't even get to finish her sentence. What if the end of that statement was 'friendly kittens?'"

"Nope, it's not. Not anymore, at least. The squad is going to New York."

"You'd better be glad that that's the question I was going to ask," Nessa chuckles. "Harper, are you in?"

"Will we be closed in Anastasia by then?"

"When is your contract up?"

"I want to say November 21."

"Yeah, then. We would fly on the 23rd."

"Wow," I laugh. "That's quick."

"It'll help you, because then you won't sit around depressed about being done in the show," Katherine laughs. "I know you, Harper."

"But I'll probably be auditioning like crazy around that time. I need a new role."

"I thought that you were taking a break after this show?" Nessa questions.

"I did say that, didn't I," I sigh. "I'm just not sure yet, I guess. Patrick would sure like it if I would take a break, I think. He's worried that I overwork myself. He thinks that I stress too much."

"You do," Nessa mutters under her breath. I pretend that I don't hear it as I continue on.

"But I'm not sure what I would do with myself. I mean, sitting around home all day doesn't sound like any fun. Not while Patrick is working still."

"You could come hang out with me," Katherine laughs.

"You'll be in rehearsal. You've got RBT still lined up for you."

"I'm not in Nutcracker this coming season though, due to Anastasia. I'll be bored with you."

"Sounds like a plan," I laugh. "Honestly, though, I probably will take a break. I can hang out with Taylor and you guys. My skin would sure love not being covered in makeup every day, too."

"So, that means that New York is a go? You could take a break for two weeks, Harper. It isn't going to do you any harm."

"Why not," I laugh. "But we are seeing lots of Broadway shows."

"You've got my word on that one," Nessa winks. "Gabe is paying."

All three of us giggle. "You've got yourself a good man, Ness," Katherine says.

"I know that it's silly, only a month into the relationship, but I really think that we are going to be married someday. It just feels so different from my other relationships. It feels... simply perfect."

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