Go Get Him

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Well, it's officially one year of this book, so as promised, a double update is in store for today. I hope you're all having a lovely day, and I'll see you all in a few hours for the second installment. Until then, enjoy/comment/vote xxx


November 6, 2026


"Katherine Bailey," I exclaim, bursting into my friend's dressing room.

"What's up...?" Kath asks, clearly confused.

"Get over here. I need to talk to you. Alone." A look of panic crosses Kath's face.

"Is everything alright?"

"It's fine. Just, come."

She follows me, hurrying into my dressing room next door.

"Okay, what's up?" she asks.

"Okay, so, Patrick seems to think that he saw you yesterday, walking through Piccadilly Circus... with some redheaded dude?"

"He's not really a redhead..." she mutters.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes. "What's up there?"

"We are just friends," she answers, defensively. "I swear, Harper, I would tell you if we were dating. We aren't... I think."

"You think?" I blurt. "How the heck do you not know? Wait, hold up. Don't answer that. First, who is he and how do you know him?"

"Okay, his name is Colin, and... god, we have known each other since forever, basically. I think we met in drama class when we were thirteen or so. We were basically best friends for so long. We lost contact after secondary school, but he was at the show the other day, and found me at the stage door after seeing my name in the programme. We got talking, exchanged numbers, and he said that we should hang out sometime, so we did... then we did again, and again, and eventually, flash forward to yesterday, in Piccadilly Circus."

"So... you're friends?"


"Um, Kath..." I say, taking a deep breath, "Patrick said that he saw you two holding hands. That's not really a 'just friends' thing."

"Oh, that," she sighs with defeat. "That had never happened before. I didn't quite know how to react to it, so I just played along."

"You know that he doesn't have intentions of staying 'just friends,' right?

"Oh my god," she groans. "I know, but... I just don't know, Harper."

"Do you like him?" I raise my eyebrows."

"I mean, we are friends, yeah."

"That's not what I mean and you know it."

"Fine," Katherine sighs. "I guess so... yeah, I think I do. I just don't know."

"You keep saying that, but what don't you know?"

"I don't know if I'm ready to be in another relationship," she blurts.

"After James?" I ask. "Kath, love, do you still have feelings for him?"

"Oh my god, no," she says.

"It's been so long," I tell her. "I think it's time to move on, love. Whatever that means for you, you have to do it. Whether that is going back to the Royal Ballet Theatre after New York and taking classes again, whether it's seeing James, as well as all of your friends at RBT, in their Nutcracker, or whether that's getting into another relationship, it's time for you to move on."

"How do I do it?"

"Text that boy and ask him to hang out again, and just tell him how you feel. Patrick seems to believe that he feels the same."

"Are you just saying all of this because you feel bad that I'm the only single one in the squad?"

"I'm saying all of this because I want to see you be truly happy again. You've been a little bit off, ever since you broke up with James. Of course, you've had your truly happy moments. Everybody does. I just think that he affected you more than you'd like to believe. And if this boy could pull you out of that, then I think that you need to take a risk and see where it leads you. What if I would have never taken that risk with Patrick? Or Nessa with Gabe? Every couple takes that risk in the beginning of the relationship. They have to admit that they have chemistry before that chemistry can take them anywhere."

"Okay..." Kath says, tentatively. "But what if it makes things weird between us?"

"My god, Katherine, listen to yourself. You sound like you're back in secondary school. I'll tell you something about straight guys. If he's hanging out with you, one on one like that, he probably likes you, alright?"

"We did this all of the time in school..."

"He probably liked you then, too," I roll my eyes. "You're drop dead gorgeous, crazy talented, and just about the sweetest person ever. He would have no reason to not like you."

"Thanks," Kath laughs. "I don't think that you're quite spot on, about that hanging out alone meaning that he likes me thing, but-"

"He tried to hold you hand."

"I mean, yeah. That."

"He definitely likes you, Kath. Take a risk once in a while. You'll be amazed at what it will lead to."

"Thanks, Harper."

"No problem. You know me. Matchmaker is my favourite game to play."

"It's just about everybody's favourite game," she laughs. "Now, I've got to go get ready for this show, so am I good to go?"

"Go," I laugh. "Good talk. Go get yourself a man."

"Will do," she laughs, walking out of my dressing room and closing the door behind her.

I also need to get ready for the show, so I sit down and start on my makeup for the top of the first act. It's minimal makeup, and I add more on throughout the show, as Anya turns more and more into the Grand Duchess, Anastasia Romanov.

It isn't too long before I'm all ready for the show. Just before we are called to our places for the top of the show, Kath pokes her head into my room. She's dressed up in her Romanov sister dress, and looks beautiful, as usual. She says a simple sentence, but I know exactly what it means."We are going out on Sunday."

"Good girl," I tease her. "No chickening out on me."

"No worries. I'll tell him, I promise."

"Good. Now, get to your place for the top of the show. we can't have you missing your entrance."

"That would be bad," she laughs, then scurries off.

It isn't too much longer before I have to go make my entrance, during 'Rumour in St. Petersburg.' I push all other thoughts out of my mind and simply focus on the show.

I don't have that many more oppurtunities to do the show. I need to savour it while it lasts.

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