Concert Day

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When you don't know how badly you needed a snow day until you got one, and then it caused you to be in a good mood and you even have a good day at dance, which is pretty rare... we love that feeling. I really like this chapter, too, so I hope that you all have fun with this one. Comment and vote if you please xx


December 7, 2025


As I'm tugging on my leggings, I hear the buzzer ring, signalling that my friends have arrived at the flat. Letting out a little squeal, I finish tugging up the leggings, then scoop the skirt made of layers of tulle up in my arms and run towards the door.

"Hey girls!" I squeal, opening it up and wrapping them in a massive hug. "Happy Concert Day!"

"Happy Concert Day!" Nessa exclaims, jumping up in the air a little bit. They both look so good, in their long sleeved tees, tutus, and leggings. All of us cut our 'Swiftmas' themed tees a little bit differently. Nessa cropped hers, Kath cut a fancy pattern down her sleeves, and I cut a fancy pattern down the back of mine.

"You girls look snazzy," Patrick comments, laughing as I grab onto Katherine's arm for support as I try to wriggle my way into the tutu. "Are you good there, love?" I can tell that he's biting back a snicker.

"Don't mock me," I protest, stabling myself on my feet again as I've gotten the skirt situated.

"I can do whatever I want. I've got you wrapped around my little finger, Harper soon-to-be Alwyn."

"Okay, this is true," I mutter to myself, as I hear my friends gasp.

"Harper, did you make it official? You're going to be an Alwyn?" Kath asks.

"Yeah," I say, beaming as I do so. "We got everything sorted this morning."

"But what about in your Anastasia programmes?" Nessa asks. "Are you keeping Kennedy as a stage name?"

"Probably not," I shrug. "I'm going to inform them of the name change soon, and then, they'll be able to start printing the new programmes under Alwyn once it's all said and done, so they'll just have to sell off the rest of the old ones, I guess."

"Geez, your programmes from when you were a Kennedy are going to be worth money someday when you win your Oliver award," Kath teases, punching my arm lightly.

"Please. That's never going to happen."

"You never know," Patrick says, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Think positive."

"Honestly, I'm not sure if I could ever handle the pressure of originating a role."

"Are you crazy? I wish that I could originate a role in a ballet. There's no precedent that you have to live up to," Kath tells me.

"I don't know... I guess that there are ups and downs to the whole thing," I admit. "Either way, I don't even know how one would go about getting a role that they would originate, even if it was on my radar."

"That's fair," she nods.

The girls, Patrick, and I spend a few more moments chatting before we realize that we need to be on our way for the concert.

"So, I'm going to meet you three by the sound booth after the show?" Patrick confirms before sending us on our way.


"Perfect," he replies. "Be safe, you three. Don't be afraid to call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Gotcha," I smile at my finacee. "Thank you so much. I'll see you later."

After giving him a quick kiss, the girls and I leave the building and find ourselves on the tube, bound for the O2.

"I can't believe that this is finally happening," Nessa states. "We bought these tickets so long ago."

"I can't believe that this is Harper's last concert before she's a married woman."

"This is like my honourary bachelorette party," I laugh. "Since I'm not having a traditional one, you know?"

"Just out of curiosity, what caused you to decide to do it like you are?" Nessa asks.

"We wanted to save our money for travelling and such," I admit. "Plus, neither of us love boatloads of attention."

"That makes sense," Katherine nods.

Once we are at the O2, there is a certain sense of excitement in the air. Rightfully so, too. I'm about to spend the evening with this group of people, having a giant party.

I can't wait.

Once we are let into the arena, the excitement grows. I can tell that everyone is equally excited.

"So," I whisper to Katherine, "do we actually know any of the acts other than Taylor?"

"You probably don't," she laughs. "I know like, two of them, and Nessa probably knows all of them."

I giggle. "That sounds about accurate. Oh well, I'm sure that they will be great anyway."

The night seems to drag by. Sure, I enjoy the other performances,  but 21:30 can't seem to come quick enough.

Ten minutes before Taylor goes onstage, I drop the picture of Katherine, Nessa, and I on her, just as planned.

Harper: Attachment: 1 image

Taylor: Harper? What the heck?

Harper: Make sure to wave at us, up in the nosebleeds tonight.

Taylor: You little stinker.

I smirk as I tuck my phone away, then turn to the girls.

"Well, five minutes until showtime. Are you ready for a great performance?"

"Absolutely," they reply in unison.

"1, 2, 3..." I start.

"Let's go bitch," Nessa screams.

Just as she finishes that, the lights dim in the arena, and silence falls upon the crowd.

Then, with a roar of screams, Taylor takes the stage.

For the next few minutes, time seems to stop. I scream and dance the night away.

By about halfway through Taylor's set, I can feel my voice starting to go. I bite my lip with embarrassment and shame.

"What's wrong?" Nessa asks.

"Gotta protect the voice."

"Oh, god, just let go, Harper. Tonight is only going to happen once. If you have to call out tomorrow, then you'll just call out sick."

"But I don't want to."

"You only get one honourary bachelorette party. Make it count."

I giggle, throwing an arm around Nessa and pulling her into a side hug. "You're right."

"So, I changed my set list about ten minutes before I came onstage," Taylor says, "because I wanted to play this special song for some very special audience members. They know who they are. Sing along if you know this one."

My eyes widen as I realize that this song is for me.

One look, dark room, meant just for you...

You are in love. True love.

By the end of the song, I'm weeping.

That song... she played it just for Patrick and I. She knew that it was the last time that I'd see her concert before I was married.

I feel a sense of happiness that I haven't felt... really ever in my life before. I truly love my life and everyone in it.

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