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okay, guys, we need to have a talk. i had to make a hard decision today... i'm going to be leaving wattpad at the end of the week. i'm going to write a few quick chapters summing up what i intended to happen in the ending of this book. thank you all for so many great times, in this book and all of my other ones. i love you all xxx


sorry, I couldn't resist that one. Quite cheeky, I suppose. You're all stuck with me haha.

now, on with the chapter. you'll all enjoy this one, I hope. remember to leave a comment/vote if you wish x


February 2, 2026


The next morning, Patrick and I are able to sleep in. Once we wake up, we are both excited for our day at the aquarium.

I dress myself in fleece-lined, black leggings, an over-sized, light pink jumper, and my combat boots. I pull my hair back into the same half up, half down style that it was in yesterday and put on some light makeup, then I'm all ready to go.

Patrick and I grab our coats, then head to breakfast before we leave the castle. It's a yummy-looking, freshly cooked Welsh breakfast, with pork sausages, an egg, and laverbread, which I'm quite hesitant to try.

Patrick seems to devour the edible seaweed delicacy right up, however. "I love this stuff," he remarks, causing me to make a face. "Are you going to eat yours?"

"Um... no..." I laugh. "You can have it."

"Great," he replies, taking the suspicious-looking, green substance off of my plate, much to my relief. "Man, you can only get this stuff so good in Wales."

"You're disgusting," I giggle. "It smells so yucky. You'd better go back up to the room and brush your teeth after eating that, if you're planning on kissing me today."

"Well, that was part of the plan..." he gives a cheeky grin. "Only for you, Mrs. Alwyn."

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside when he says that. "Mrs. Alwyn. I like that."

"I'm glad. It's what you're going to be for the rest of your life."

When Patrick and I head back up to our room, as he's brushing his teeth from the laverbread, I pull out my phone and call my parents, to inform them of the events from yesterday.

"Hi Harper," my mom says when I pick up the phone. "How are you, sweetie?"

"I'm good," I giggle. "I'm actually calling from Wales. Patrick surprised me and took me on a holiday, so I just wanted to let you know that I won't be around for a few days."

"Wow," she exclaims. "That's so sweet of him. I hope you two are having a nice time, and it's good for you to get away from the hustle and bustle of London every now and then. Your dad is hating having to be here so much, and I can't say that I'm loving it."

I laugh. My parents, especially my dad, aren't exactly city people. The sounds of car horns and motors, of talking and parties on the streets, are far from a lullaby to them. While the noise of the city lulls me right into a dream, it seems to only keep my parents awake.

In spite of that, it truly is nice to get some peace and quiet for a little bit, every now and then.

"Yeah. How is Dad, by the way?"

"Same as usual. They're not convinced that the treatment is working very well, but he's going in for some scans tomorrow, and they'll evaluate what needs to happen from there."

"Alright," I sigh, knowing that there's probably going to be no good news from the doctors. It's hard for me to think that my dad is back in London, slowly dying in a hospital, while I'm out here in the Welsh countryside, frolicking around a castle with my husband, but that's the reality of the situation. "I'll come visit as soon as I'm able to."

"Don't worry about it," Mom assures me. "He understands that you have a life outside of him, love. You have shows, and your husband, and your friends. If I'm guessing correctly, then it won't be too long before you have kids."

"God, what's making you think that?" I ask, stifling a laugh.

"You and Patrick both are just so infatuated with the little ones... not to mention each other. When two people love each other-"

"Mom, don't," I whine, my face feeling warm and surely blushing bright red. "Anyway, maybe someday, but right now, we are focusing on the present." I really don't want to be having this conversation with my mom, of all people, and especially not right now. "Listen, Mom, I've got to go. Patrick and I are headed to the aquarium today. I'll call you back some other time, and maybe I can talk to Dad then?"

"Sure, sweetie," she replies. "Bye."

"Bye." I hang up the phone and shove it into my purse. "Ready to go?" I ask Patrick.

"Let's go," he replies, slipping his hand into mine and walking me out of the room and to our car. "When we get back from our excursion today, we can explore the gardens of the castle before it's dark."

"That sounds perfect," I tell him. "So, we are spending one more night here, and then moving on?"

"That's right."

"Where are we off to tomorrow morning?"

"That's a surprise," he tells me, "but I think you'll like it."

I smile. "Good. I think so, too."

Walking through the aquarium is lots of fun, but just getting to spend time with Patrick is the highlight of the trip. We watch the animals, then share a quick lunch in the cafe.

After we are done at the aquarium, we decide to go explore the beach for a bit. It's a rocky beach, as well as much too cold to swim, as it is February, but it's nice to take a walk along. There aren't many other people out, as the wind is quite nippy. Patrick and I just look down at our feet, trying to protect our faces from the wind, which really is rather helpful.

When we can't quite handle the cold anymore, Patrick and I run back to the car, giggling all the way, then decide to stop at a little tea room that we stumble upon, so that we can warm up.

By the time that we make it back to Chateau Rhianfa, we have about two hours before it's set to get dark and dinner will be served. That's a perfect amount of time to explore the gardens, take lots of fun pictures, then freshen up a bit before dinner, so that's exactly what we do.

That night, I decide to share a picture on Instagram from our perfect day- a sweet selfie of us on the beach, snapped on a quick break from walking.

@harper.elise13: having the best little surprise holiday with my amazing husband @patrickalwyn xxx

A simple but sweet caption. After hitting post, I set my phone down and go to enjoy some more time with my favourite man. It's nights like these, cuddled up watching telly, that make me so excited to spend the rest of my days with him, side by side, growing old together.

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