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Whoops... that last chapter wasn't really a hit with all of you, hm? ;) this one's a little better, I promise. I actually like this one so you all might too. It's pretty much just some nice fluff, though still a bit sad of course. Enjoy/comment/


March 24, 2026


I'm worried about Harper all day at work. I shouldn't have come. She's all alone in that flat, upset and lonely. Who knows what could happen with that combination.

When I'm all done with my day, I rush home, as quickly as possible. I'm so relieved to find Harper sitting at the kitchen table with her mum. Both of them seem to be in pretty good shape, considering. When I walk inside, I even catch a small smile on Harper's face as she shares a joke with Audrey.

"Patrick!" she replies, jumping up and running to me when she hears the door open. She instantly wraps her arms around me in a hug.

"What a greeting," I laugh. "I'm not used to this sort of a greeting."

"I just missed you today, that's all."

I give her a sad little smile. "You're doing better than you were this morning, though?"

"I am," Harper confirms. "It's just been hard."

"That's understandable," I tell her. "I've been worried sick about you all day, though. I'm so glad that you're feeling a bit better, at least."

"We have already gotten a few details finalized for Cooper's service," Audrey tells me, motioning for me to sit down at the table with her. Harper and I sit down, and she begins to go over details.

It's going to be held in three days in Harper's hometown about an hour and a half outside of London. We are going to have to drive it, and Audrey will be returning tomorrow to make sure that everything is going to be ready.

"And he is going to be buried in a little cemetery back home, too," she explains. "We got a plot of land a few years back, so both of us will be there, eventually."

"Mom, don't say that," Harper whines. She doesn't want to think about that day eventually coming, and quite frankly, I don't blame her.

"Are you going to stay in your house and such?" I ask Audrey.

"I think that I will for the time being. I might consider moving closer to London, in a quiet little suburb, perhaps, in a bit. I'd like to be near you two, especially when you have children. I'd be more than willing to babysit, of course."

Harper groans. I know that this isn't particularly a topic that she wants to discuss with her mum at this point in time, and we don't know when we are going to want to take that step in our relationship, either.

"Thanks mum, but-"

"I know, I know, not for a little bit still," Audrey laughs. "You've told me. But you never know when baby fever will hit."

Harper blushes. "Alright..."

"Thanks, Audrey," I laugh, grabbing Harper's hand and rubbing the back of it with my thumb. "We will keep that in mind, when the time does come."

Harper and I spend a few more minutes talking with Audrey. She really does seem to have a lot of details already worked out, which impresses me. Some people are like that, I guess. Just wanting to keep themselves busy while grieving.

I'm quite glad that Audrey has worked it all out, so that none of it becomes Harper and I's burden. Of course, we would gladly take over the duties, but it would be very upsetting to Harper, I think, to plan her own father's funeral on top of already dealing with his death.

"How about we get some takeaway for dinner?" I suggest eventually, upon noticing how hungry I'm getting. "Audrey, you're more than welcome to stay."

"No, I'd best be going now, anyway," she tells us. "I'm driving home tomorrow and need to pack up the hotel room. You kids have a good night. I'll be in contact."

She kisses Harper on the cheek, then leaves our flat after both of us bid her farewell.

"Well, does Chinese sound good?"

"I'm not too hungry..."

"Harper," I say in a firm tone of voice, "I know that you're upset, but you've got to eat. Really. I'll order some General Tso's chicken... will you at least eat a bit?"

"Fine," she sighs. I know that she's not very happy about me, basically forcing her to eat, but I don't really care. I don't want her to go without supper. That's not healthy for her.

After placing the order, I turn back to my wife. "Have you been in contact with any of your friends today?"

"Katherine, only because she wanted to know why I'm off until Monday."

"What about Taylor?"

"I've not talked to her."

"Alright. I'm going to let her and Joe know what's up later, then, if that's alright with you."

"It's fine. I don't care. I'm probably going to share it on Instagram this evening, anyway. If I'm set to be off for these next few shows, then the fans have the right to know why."

I nod, agreeing with her mentality. I'm glad that she feels that way. "Share one of those adorable little pictures of you as a baby."

Harper gives me a small smile. "Oh my goodness."

"I'm serious. You were so cute. They would love that."

"Maybe I will, then," she smiles.

"So the service is on the 27th, then?" I check with Harper.


"Fabulous. I'm going to take the 26th through 28th off of work, in that case. I'll miss a day or two of my class, I think, but it's alright."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine," I assure Harper. "We can take a trip up to your hometown for two nights. Will we need to get a hotel or will your mum have room for us?"

"Well, that probably depends on how closely you'd like to cuddle with me, because there is a twin bed in my childhood bedroom."

"Oh," I laugh. "There's no guest room?"

"There's a guest room, but it's not properly heated or air conditioned with the rest of the house, so I wouldn't risk that, if I were you."

"Got it. I'll book an Airbnb or something."

"That's probably going to be for the best. It'll give us our own little space, too. I love my mum, I really do... it's just... moving out was one of the greatest things to happen to me."

I laugh. "Everyone needs their own space every now and then. I get that."

Harper nods.

The two of us end the night with our Chinese food and cuddles on the couch. In spite of it being a bad morning, I think that Harper is quite calmed down by the evening, and we really do have a nice night, staying in together. One of our favourite ways to spend an evening.

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