Good Idea

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This one goes out to my girl who is all stressed out today. She knows who she is- love you xxx. Once again, some absolute, pure fluff, but I love this chap. I hope you all enjoy. I'll update again in a few days. In the meantime, don't forget to leave a comment and vote on this chap. Thank you all for reading xxx


June 21, 2026


On Father's Day, I get a fun idea.

"Let's go do something for Joe and Taylor," I suggest to her. "I mean, they're not technically parents yet, but they can still celebrate."

"That would be fun," she replies. Since it's her day off, she has all of the time in the world to pull off a fun surprise, mostly for my brother, but also for his wife. "What should we do?"

"Something simple..." I think out loud. "I mean, they obviously are going to want to stay inside."

I know that Taylor is going a bit stir crazy, but she's staying quite strictly house-bound, as there's basically no way to hide her baby bump now. I'm not sure if she has entered her third trimester yet, but if she hasn't, then she is very close. She's also quite over the novelty of being pregnant, and is already wanting to pop the baby out of her, though we all know that she's going to need to wait three more months for that.

"Let's get some movies and snacks... we could make a nice little basket sort of thing. You know, some soppy romantic movies that'll make Taylor cry, some good action movies or something for Joe... you know what he likes more than I do. And we can include some pregnancy-friendly snacks."

"What's a 'pregnancy-friendly' snack?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "Like, no beer?"

"Um, yeah, that," Harper laughs. "Like, she can't have alcohol or lots of caffeine, and she should avoid too much of anything sugary. We could do a bit of chocolate, but not a lot, and then get some nice fresh fruits or crackers or something that'll be good to munch on, but isn't too terrible."

"Wow, are you some sort of pregnancy expert all of the sudden," I tease her.

"No," she blushes. "I just happen to know things. I mean, like, I am a female, too... so I sort of have to know a thing or two about pregnancy. Like, so that I can... um, someday, be pregnant myself."

"Oh, alright," I laugh, playfully hitting her arm. She's getting so flustered as I'm teasing her. "I think that's a good idea, though."

"Alright, awesome," she replies.

"We can go to Tesco and see what we can find," I suggest. "Then maybe we could go over to the big Foyles in the theatre district and pick up some movies."

I happen to know that Foyles, a bookstore with a few locations throughout London, happens to be one of Harper's favourite places to kill her spare time, but she doesn't have a lot of that. The big store on Charing Cross has an entire floor devoted to stagey books, movies, and music. They even have a quite large collection of sheet music on that floor, which is where I will typically find my wife when we venture over there.

"Go get ready," I suggest, "and we can aim to head out in... say, forty minutes?"

"Perfect," she replies. Harper walks out of our room and into the bathroom. I know that she needs to shower. I already showered this morning, but I still need to finish getting dressed, as I'm currently only in a pair of boxers, and shirtless.

I tug a comfy, pale yellow polo over my head and slip on some khaki shorts. After that, I run a brush through my hair, which is getting a bit long for my liking.

"I need a haircut," I mutter to myself. Just as I say that, I hear the door creak open behind me.

"You're fine," Harper says, walking out of the bathroom with a dressing gown wrapped around her and her hair tied up in a bun, as she didn't wash it today and wanted to keep it from getting wet in the shower. "I like your hair longer. It's easier to play with."

She runs her fingers through my hair cheekily as she walks past me.

"Exactly why I'm going to cut it," I tease her. "I just brushed that."

"I promise, you can do it again, and it'll only take two seconds."

She starts to rummage through her closet in an attempt to find something to wear. In the end, she picks out a pink, flowered dress and denim jacket. It's rather warm, so she doesn't need tights today, which always puts a smile on her face. London can still be quite chilly in June, but today, it's going to get up, somewhere between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius.

"You ready to go?" I ask her.

"I'm just going to grab a quick breakfast. Can we stop somewhere for a morning tea on the way out?"

"How about we stop at that little red telephone booth cafe outside of the Tesco Express about half a kilometer from here?" I suggest.

"Sounds perfect," she replies, pulling her hair up into a slick ponytail.

"You look gorgeous," I tell her.

"Thanks, love," she smiles at me. Harper picks up her backpack, and I grab my wallet, then we put on our shoes and intertwine our fingers together as we leave our flat.

"Taylor and Joe are going to love this," I tell her as we make our way to Tesco for some snacks. "They seriously aren't expecting anything."

She giggles. "Taylor's probably going to cry."

"She's been doing lots of that lately, so I hear."

"Cut her a break," Harper tells me. "Growing a human isn't easy."

"How would you know?" I tease her. "You've never done it."

"Her hormones are going crazy. I'm a 'pregnancy expert,' remember?"

"Right, that," I wink, giving her a cheeky smile. "Well, hopefully the tears will be good ones, and not bad ones."

"They won't be bad," Harper assures me. "She's going to love whatever we end up getting and bringing over there."

"I figured that we could pick out two movies for Taylor, and two for Joe, then you could take Taylor off to somewhere and have some girl time with her, if that's good with you. I think that spending time around anybody who isn't Joe is going to be good for her mental sanity, as smitten as she is with that man."

"Yeah," Harper agrees. "He's about the only person that she's seen lately."

Eventually, we get some snacks picked out at Tesco, so then, I look at Harper. "Ready to head to Foyles?"

"You know it," she winks, grabbing my hand as we start to walk towards the tube stop.

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