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Hey kids, I wanted to give you a warning that there probably won't be updates in the second half of this week. I'm going to my choir festival and I'm very excited, though! I hope you all enjoy this one, x. sofaroffbway and I have been coming up with some wild things for this story today, too, hehe. (Not all of them are going to happen though kath, lol). Anyway, comment/vote if you wish! Love you all.


January 16, 2026


When I get out of work on Friday, I can't lie about it coming as a bit of a relief. I've been anticipating this week being over for quite some time. I start my class on working with children in the field on Monday, which I'm expecting to be lots of fun.

Back at the flat, I find Harper taking a nap on the sofa. I smile to myself, then lightly shake her to wake her up. She's going to need to leave for the theatre soon, but first, we are set to put together a nice dinner.

After preparing a simple, but yummy, meal of grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, and a side salad, we sit down at the table to eat.

"Are you excited for your class, love?" Harper asks me.

"I'm excited, but a little bit nervous," I admit, taking a bite of chicken.


"I've not been in a traditional class for quite some time now. The last semester of my degree was an internship, so it's been a while. And I'll probably be in the class with lots of people who are younger than I am."

"Not that much," she giggles. "It's not like you're fifty or anything like that, hon."

"I know," I admit, "but it's just daunting, you know?"

"My god, I totally know. I was terrified when I started my rehearsals for Anastasia. It's just something that comes with a new experience. It's only human, love."

"Thanks," I say, giving her a small smile. "For everything. You're the best."

We finish up our dinners, chatting as we do so, then she must be off to the show. "I'll take care of the dishes."

Harper thanks me, then places her plate on the counter next to the sink. "I'd best be on my way now."

I wish her luck on her performance with a kiss, as I always do, then she is on her way.

After I finish cleaning up from dinner, I sit down and start to scroll through my social medias on my phone.

On a whim, I wonder if, on the day when we are in Edinburgh on our little upcoming adventures, there will be any sort of theatre playing that I could take her to.

And it turns out that luck is on my side. The tour of Waitress, with Harper's Les Mis co-star, Ava, staring in it, is to be playing a matinee that day.

That's crazy. She's been talking about wanting badly to see it, but hasn't been able to find a time that is convenient for her.

It doesn't take much debating- I purchase tickets without a second thought. I'd bet that, if I'm stealthy enough, I'll be able to get Ava's number off of Harper's phone, and inform her that we are coming to the show.

That'll be so much fun, for Harper to see her friend.

I want this trip to be as special as possible for her. This is my little gift for Harper.

I hope that she absolutely loves all of it.

With the trip still at the front of my mind, I begin to do some research on the various places which we are to visit. We are spending the night in four different castles, which is so cool. We will really get to be able to learn about the history in the castles. We are also going to have plenty of time to explore the grounds and surrounding areas. Lots of the castles have gardens, which look gorgeous.

It should hopefully be a relaxing trip, but we will have plenty of exploring to do, thus keeping us occupied. Neither of us like having lots of time to just sit around and do nothing. We aren't particularly fans of the beach for that reason, otherwise we probably would have found a tropical little island to have our getaway on. This option, though, seems to be perfect for both of us.

Though I'm not nearly as enraptured by castles as Harper is, I'm still excited to visit them. They will surely have some beautiful architecture and picturesque views.

I find myself lost in my research on the internet, exploring the different castles, surrounding areas, and routes that we will be taking in order to get from point A to point B. Before I know it, I hear the door to the flat open. Harper is home.

I quickly shut off my phone, just as she comes over to sit with me on the sofa.

"What's up, hon?" she asks. "Did you have a good evening?"

"Yeah. Quiet. I just played around on my phone, mostly. The dishes are done and put away, though."

"You're a good man, Patrick Alwyn," she laughs.

"How was your show?"

"It was fine. Nothing weird happened. Ruby may have messed up a harmony, but she's dramatic, so it was probably fine."

"Did you not hear it?" I laugh.

"I was in the middle of the quick change, but during the interval, she came running through backstage screaming about how mad she was."

"That's not good..."

"It was literally like, one note. She'll recover," Harper giggles.

"Alright," I laugh, kissing the top of her head. "If you're not stressed about it, then it really mustn't be a big deal, because you will stress about anything and anybody."

"Wow, you're really attacking me there," she teases me.

I roll my eyes in a cheeky manner. "I only state the truth."


"Well," I say after a moment of silent cuddles, "it's pretty late. You've got two shows tomorrow. You need your beauty sleep."

"God, two shows. Don't remind me," she laughs. "I've yet to meet a single West End actor or actress who actually enjoys two show days."

"Regardless, they exist, and you need energy for them."

"Oh!" she exclaims. "Guess what?"


"Cassie's understudy, Amelia, is making her debut tomorrow. I'm really excited for her."

"That'll be fun," I nod. "What's with Cassie?"

"Some family thing. She's not sick."

"That's good," I smile. "Now, come on. Let's sleep. I'm exhausted, and I'm sure you are too."

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