I Know Things Now

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Hello hello hello! Everybody's favorite squad is back in this chapter hehe. I made some super good progress writing tonight and if it goes as well tomorrow, I may be able to get an update up at my choir festival (if there's WiFi). Anywhoo, I actually like this chapter so I hope you all do too! Comment/vote x


January 18, 2026


Katherine: Harper

Katherine: Harper

Katherine: Harper

Katherine: Harper

Katherine: HARPER

Katherine: HARPER


Harper: WHAT?

The texts from Katherine started about fifteen minutes before I woke up. I assume that whatever she wants must be a pretty big deal.

Then, I get the response.

Katherine: Will you come over this evening? We can bake and you can help me tell Nessa the good news x

Harper: Dear god, Kath. THAT was what was such a big deal?

Katherine: Yes...

Harper: I'll be over at 20:00.

Katherine: Yay!

I laugh as I set down my phone, causing Patrick to give me a look. "What was that all about?" He presumably heard the vibrations of my phone and is just as confused as I was.

"I'm going over to Katherine and Nessa's this evening. She was very... um, excited, about wanting me to come over."

"Oh," he laughs with me.

Patrick and I spend a cozy day in together, then it is time for me to head over to my old flat in Hampstead.

"Have a good time," Patrick tells me.

I give him a quick hug before leaving the flat and hopping on the tube.

Once I arrive at Nessa and Katherine's, they open the door to me, then usher me inside quickly.

"Harper, you risked your life to get here," Nessa gasps.

I give her a strange look. "What are you talking about?"

"Did you not hear?"

I give Nessa a weird look.

"There's a scary dude escaped from the prison," she explains. "I think the warning came out while you were on the tube, probably."

"Oh my goodness," I laugh. "Well, we are safe in here with a good and strong doorman to beat up anyone scary who would try to break in, so we should be alright. Where's Emmie?"

"She's safe at the studio," Kath explains. "She had to rehearse her pas de deux."

"Oh," I nod. "Well, I should probably text Patrick and let him know that I'm alive."

I do just that, and he replies, informing me that he is relieved. Apparently all of London got the notification on their phones, including me, though the cell service in the tube wasn't the best today.

"Well, let's just have a fun night," I laugh, "since I'm here. We shouldn't fret."

"True," Kath nods.

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