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Happy Tony Awards night! I hope you all enjoyed the show- I know I did! Happy with the results? I wish The Prom would have won something tbh but I'm so happy for everyone who did win!!!
Well, I left you all on a bit of a cliffhanger yesterday, so let's get this all cleared up, shall we? Comment/vote xxx


April 15, 2026


When Patrick and I make eye contact, I offer what I can muster up of a smile, then divert my gaze elsewhere. My eyes fall on my spare vocal steamer, which I keep at home, and my good one is at the theatre. As much as I don't want to admit it, Patrick was right today. I really did need to stay home from my shows, but I was too scared to miss any more. Especially after the days that I had to miss for my dad's funeral and such, I have missed way too many performances. My understudy loves it, of course. I don't think Luke is quite as enthused about it.

Of course, he is always okay with me taking off, with merely a reminder that I won't be receiving a salary for that specific performance. I know, though, that he's starting to be frustrated with me taking off as often as I have been.

I wish that life didn't work out like this. I wish that I would have been able to have a perfect performance record for the year that my contract lasted. Of course, that's not a realistic goal. Almost nobody can attain that.

I can't help but hope, though, that I reach that goal sometime in my career.

"So..." Patrick says, awkwardly, after a moment of silence, "can we talk, sweetie?"

A wave of relief washes over me when he calls me that. I was so afraid that he'd still be raging and angry. At least this way, I know that he's calmed down a bit.

I give him a nod, but don't say anything, as I do know that right now, it's best for me to stay on vocal rest. My head is pounding, my throat hurts, and I feel so generally yucky.

At this rate, I'll probably be off tomorrow as well.

"You look terrible, love."

I shrug, indicating to him that I really do feel terrible.

I open my mouth and muster up the words, "I'm sorry. You were right. I shouldn't have gotten so angry."

There are a few voice cracks in the raspy statement, but the point gets across. Patrick simply takes me in his arms, and I know that he accepts my apology.

"I don't want to make you talk right now, love. Don't say anything more. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have approached the subject in the way that I did, I suppose. I shouldn't have been so angry, either." I give him a little cuddle, and with that, he knows that everything is okay.

It feels amazing to have everything be alright again with Patrick. It was really a minor row, especially compared to some which we have had, but it still made me feel awful.

I feel my phone vibrate as Patrick and I are cuddling on the sofa, and I pull it out to find a text from Katherine.

Katherine: Where are you today? Is everything alright?

Harper: I'm fine... just a bit sick. I'm on vocal rest and I'll probably be out tomorrow as well, as I can't even make it through a spoken sentence without my voice cracking.

Katherine: That's not good. Drink some tea.

Harper: I have been drinking a LOT of tea today! I'm fine, I promise, xxx

Katherine: Well, Nessa wanted me to have you call her, but I suppose that's not the best idea, if you're on vocal rest.

Harper: Probably not. I'll text her, though. Thank you and break a leg in the evening show.

Katherine: Thanks.

I switch my screen to my messages with Nessa.

Harper: Hey, Kath said that you wanted to talk to me. I'm on vocal rest, so can we text?

Nessa: Uh oh! Yeah, that's fine. Just a little invitation for you... Gabe is having an event at his magazine headquarters that I thought you might like to attend. Patrick can come too. It's fancy and on a Sunday evening, so you won't even have to miss a show. April 26 at 18:00. I've got a ball gown and everything. I'm not positive of the address but I'll let you know when I get it from him.

Harper: Oh! That sounds like a lot of fun! Let me talk to Patrick about it real quick.

I hold my phone up for Patrick to read the conversation, and he nods. "That sounds like fun. Tell her that we are in."

I nod and let Nessa know.

Nessa: Fabulous! I'll have him add you two to the guest list. We should totally hang out before then, by the way. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you.

Harper: Same. Maybe this Sunday.

Nessa: That's fine by me.

Harper: I'll text you to work out details later.

Nessa: Perfect.

I lock my phone and set it down on the arm of the couch beside me. Then, I rest my head on Patrick's shoulder, and realize just how tired I am, even though it's not very late at all.

I know that he can tell, as he suggests, "How about we watch something on telly for a bit, then you can turn in for an early bedtime? I've got some e-mails to go through, but I'll come in once I'm done with that..."

I nod, so we select something to watch. Patrick gets up and finds himself something for dinner, but I indicate that I'm not hungry, so he only brings me another mug of throat coat tea, which I definitely appreciate.

In only an hour or so, I decide that it will be best for me to go get some sleep. Maybe some sort of miracle will happen and I'll be able to perform tomorrow, but I doubt it.

"If you need anything, then feel free to text me," Patrick says. "I have my phone right here, so I'll get your message right away."

I nod, kissing his cheek lightly before heading off to get into my pyjamas and prepare myself for bed.

I cuddle up under the duvet and I fall asleep nearly as soon as my head hits the pillow. Hopefully, some rest will do me good.

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