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Wow, look at that, I'm actually updating!! I hope you all had a nice day- I went to an amusement park with some friends and had lots of fun. I'm super exhausted now, though... here's a cheeky little update before I go to sleep. Enjoy/comment/vote. Love you all x


June 27, 2026


I don't usually wake up early, any morning really, but especially on Saturday mornings. After a Friday evening show, I like to rest for a two-show day. Today, though, is the exception to that. I have to be at Nessa's graduation at 8:30, and the ceremony starts at 9:00.

She's extremely excited to be finally graduating. I graduated a few years ago, and Katherine dropped out of school when she was offered the position at the Royal Ballet Theatre, so being surrounded by people who were already off and following their dreams made Nessa itch to be off following hers.

I make an effort to not wake Patrick up, as he's tired from last night, being out with me. Instead, I just leave a little note on the counter for him, along with a hot cup of tea, sealed in a thermos so that it won't get cold before he wakes up.

I'm off to Nessa's graduation. You probably remembered, but just in case you didn't, I figured that I'd remind you. Don't worry about me. I won't be back until after my evening show, so I hope you have a nice day. I love you.
xx, Harper

At that, I make sure that the note is positioned so that it can be easily found by Patrick. I don't need him worrying about me. Then, I sling by backpack over my shoulders and leave the flat, locking the door behind me for safety.

On the tube, I can't help but think about how I've got an incredibly long day ahead of me. Don't get me wrong, it's all going to be very fun. Nessa's graduation ceremony is going to be nice, and I'm so proud of her.

Two show days are also fun, in their own right. Of course, they're always better in theory than in practice, but if you have the right mindset, then you can make the best of them.

When I arrive at Nessa's university, I find a text from Katherine, saying that she's saving me a seat. I'm going to be sitting with her, as well as Nessa's parents and Gabe. Thankfully, they've already met, and seem to like Gabe, in spite of the fact that he won't be able to give them biological grandchildren, assuming that he is Nessa's endgame. She was so worried that they wouldn't like him for that, but they know that their daughter is so happy with him that it doesn't matter.

Once I'm in the arena where graduation is being held, I follow the directions which Kath has given me and easily find her, sitting with Gabe.

"Hey," I smile.

"Hey," she says. I sit down in the seat which Katherine has saved, between her and Gabe. Nessa's parents are going to sit on the other side of Gabe, but it doesn't seem that they have arrived yet.

The three of us chat for a bit. As we are talking, I learn just how excited Gabe is to have Nessa joining his magazine company, effective at the beginning of August. He's giving her a month to recover from university first.

Soon, Nessa's parents come and take their seats next to us. It's clear that they're extremely proud of their youngest daughter. Especially once the ceremony starts, and they can't seem to stop crying.

The ceremony is very well done, complete with eloquent speakers and a celebration of the accomplishments of all of the university's students over the last few years. When it is complete, the entire arena vacates quite quickly, as everyone is rushing to meet and congratulate their loved ones who have just completed a step on the path to their future.

My graduation for the Royal Academy of Music was such an amazing day. My parents weren't too thrilled when I went there, as they wanted me to pursue a more sensible career, but when I completed the vocal program, they were able to put that wish behind them. They were so proud of me that it somehow made the endless arguments about my choice of career worth it.

Now, they are so happy that I made the decision to pursue musical theatre, as I'm living my dreams, and the money that they spent on my tuition at the Royal Academy of Music became worth it, in the end.

When we eventually find Nessa, Gabe is the first one to run up and give her a massive hug. "I'm so proud of you, honey," he tells her.

"Thanks," she smiles. The smile has been stuck on her face all day. She's so thrilled to be finally done with her schooling, and especially with a job lined up, she's so ready to move on to the next chapter of her life.

"Congratulations, sweetie," Nessa's parents say, being the next ones to wrap her in a hug. "We are so proud of you."

Eventually, it's my turn to talk to Nessa. "Congrats," I tell her. "How does it feel to be finally graduated?"

"So good," she laughs. "I can't believe that it's finally over, though. It's almost bittersweet, in a way."

"It is," I nod, "but you'll still be in London. You can come and walk around campus whenever you like," I tease her.

She laughs. "I suppose that's true."

"How about we go out for a bit of an early lunch?" Gabe suggests. "Everybody, on me."

Kath and I exchange a look, knowing that we have to be at the theatre in about an hour and a half. "I think we have time," I tell her, "so long as we are quick, and the tube doesn't like, break down or anything."

Kath laughs. "Don't say that, Harper!" she exclaims. "You're going to jinx us."

"Yeah, probably," I laugh. "The tube is pretty reliable, though. I think we will be good."

"Yeah," she nods. "Let's go."

Gabe leads all of us out of the arena. "I think that there are some good restaurants around here."

We eventually find a little cafe, and all of us squeeze into a booth by the window. Nessa's parents and Nessa are sitting on one side, and Kath, Gabe, and I are sitting on the other side.

After enjoying a nice lunch to celebrate Nessa's accomplishments, Kath and I excuse ourselves, having to be on the way to the theatre.

"That was a really nice ceremony," I remark to my friend as we are walking to the tube stop.

"It was," she nods.

It takes us a moment to figure out the route that we need to use to get to the Piccadilly Theatre, but soon, we are on our way for a two show day.

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