The Hollow's Downfall

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 It was a dismal night, as Elijah stood outside on the porch in the bayou, watching for any danger, knowing the Hollow was still out there somewhere. Hayley was inside in bed. When Elijah entered the room, he'd chosen to stay in in the cabin, he sensed a presence and scanned the room. When he did, he saw someone in the dressing mirror.

"Katerina?" he questioned, shocked, not expecting to see her. Nor did he know that she was dead until now. His heart sunk, realizing she was a ghost and dead, and he knew that if he was seeing her, she was asking him for his help, the only way she could as a ghost.

After she'd gotten his attention, she disappeared from his sight, having made it clear that she needed help and she wasn't happy that he'd moved on. She stayed in the room though, watching him.

"I'm sorry, Katerina," was all he could find to say.

Her heart sunk, hating seeing his look after finding out that she was dead.

"Elijah," was all she could say. She didn't know if he could feel it or not, but she rested a hand on his arm. There wasn't much they could say whether she was alive or not.

He looked at his arm, feeling like she'd touched him. Then the feeling was gone.

Katherine left and soon appeared at the place that the others were staying at. When she ventured around the house, she realized that Klaus had indeed had a child with Hayley, just as she'd heard before she'd died.

Katherine stood in the living room, watching Klaus and Hope share their artistic abilities with one another. As she did, she couldn't help but smile. Even if he had ruined her life for 500 years, he deserved happiness, just like she deserved it. Seeing them together, she realized that the child had changed Klaus, just as being reunited with Nadia had done for her, before she'd had to watch Nadia die.

When she approached, she was silent until she finally sat down across the table from Hope, so now she was sitting with Klaus to her right. She wasn't afraid of him. She'd forgiven him on her deathbed. Besides, there wasn't much he could do to hurt her while she was a ghost.

Hope stopped what she was doing. Being half witch, she could see her, but she didn't know who she was or what she was. When she looked at Katherine, which Klaus couldn't see, he had enough experience to know that his daughter saw a ghost.

"Who are you?" Hope questioned her.

"I'm an old friend of the family. You may not understand this, but your Uncle Elijah and I were together off and on for quite a long time. Your dad and I don't get along very well, though. My name is Katherine. I need some help in coming back to life, which I need to convince your Aunt Freya to do for me, but it's going to take some convincing from your Uncle Elijah. I already came to Elijah, so he's on his way here. I'm just here waiting for Elijah to come over," Katherine explained, as simply as she could to the little girl. She didn't know how much the girl knew about her family, so she kept the vampire stuff out of the equation.

"Who's here, Sweetheart?" Klaus asked calmly, though he was suspicious. Why would a ghost be showing him or herself to his daughter?

"Someone named Katherine," Hope replied.

"Well, well, Katerina. I wouldn't put it passed you to haunt me. What are you doing here?" Klaus said, though he knew he wouldn't be able to hear her.

Katherine used a crayon and blank paper to write her response to him.

Hello, Klaus. I'm not here to haunt you. Quite the opposite. I've shown myself to Elijah, so now he knows I'm dead. He's coming over so he can get your dear sister to bring me back to life. I don't hold a grudge against you. Even if I did, I wouldn't do anything to harm you. You have a daughter to look after. I once had one too, but unlike me, you'll be able to raise her without being afraid of what your father will do. Nadia was illegitimate so my father tore her from my arms and banished me. We were reunited before I died, but I was too afraid of your answer or what you would do at the time, to ask you to cure Nadia when I found out that Tyler bit her. That, and she just wanted me to be happy, so I want to try and do what she wished me to do.

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