Originals: What Remains (Kalijah; Klatherine friendship-ish)

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Summary: Set in 5x6 "What, Will, I, Have, Left" ep. After Kat escapes the prison world Kai's trapped in, and when she finds out that Elijah doesn't have his memories, can she get Elijah's memories back? When Klaus tells her about The Hollow, can she find a way to save everyone from The Hollow? If both Hope and Hayley are saved, will Elijah choose Hayley, or will he go back to Kat? If Elijah and Kat get back together, will Klaus let them be happy?

It was a nebulous night in a bar, as Elijah Mikaelson played on the piano, though all of the usual people had gone. He liked this life, despite others telling him that he had a different life. One with a family he'd been devoted to. He didn't want that life though, because he had no memories of it.

When a human Katherine entered a bar in hopes for a drink after escaping a prison world, she stopped for a few moments, seeing her ex and love playing at a piano by himself. He seemed different, so she decided to take caution. Then, before she said anything and when she approached, he spoke without looking at her.

"We're closed," he stated to her.

She went to stand by the piano where he could see her.

"Yeah, well, a drink is the least of my concerns," she replied. Then, seeing that he didn't act like he knew her, she assumed that he probably had somehow been forced to forget. And she was proven right when he replied to her.

"If you've come to force me to be a part of the Mikaelsons like Klaus tried to do, you'll fail. I may not have my memories, but I know the Elijah everyone seems to think they know was lucky if he got just an ounce of happiness. I'm happy where I am. And I don't care what's happened to Hayley and Hope, whoever they are, so you can just leave."

"I originally came for a drink. Yes, I do know you from when you had your memories, but I'd just want you happy. We were happy off and on, but you left to follow Klaus. You never came back, either. And I don't blame you, whether you have your memories or not. I'm curious, though. How long ago was Klaus here?"

"Not long ago. Who are you?" he replied, wanting to know.

"It doesn't matter right now. I just care that you're alive, but most of all, more happy than I've seen you in a long time."

She rested a hand on his arm and gave him a smile, before walking away, leaving to go find Klaus. She knew that she had to restore his memories, but it had to be with Klaus' help. She needed his help. She couldn't do this without Klaus.

Suddenly, after half an hour of walking through the almost empty streets in search of the hybrid, she was snuck up on and ended up against a wall with a vampire feeding on her. She hadn't felt like she'd been watched or followed, so it surprised her. She couldn't do much as a human though, since she couldn't really fight a vampire and win anymore. Not when she only had active Traveler magic, which didn't help when she was starting to feel weak.

What seemed like a while later, as everything began to go gray, she felt the fangs leave her neck. Then she felt the ground and heard a familiar voice.

"No one hurts Katerina and lives," he stated, as everything began to fade. Then she heard the familiar sound of someone's heart being ripped out and someone hitting the ground.

Klaus had been still seething from Elijah's words, so when he smelled blood, he was going to take the opportunity to go kill someone. That's when he found the scene and immediately tossed an unfamiliar vampire off her. Then he took his chance and ripped out his heart, letting him fall dead. He then dropped the heart, before turning to look at her.

KalijahOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora