Katerina Petrova and Elijah Mikaelson: The Full Story

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There is a story of two vampires. One, Katerina who later was known as Katherine. The other, Elijah who was very loyal to his family but loved her all the same. Their love reached to an epic level of compassion, loyalty, trust, betrayal, lies, deceit, and forgiveness. He had so much faith that he could find his Katerina behind what he called "this Katherine façade." He had so much faith and trust in her, but he found himself second guessing his loyalty to her. By 2013, he didn't know whether to trust her or not. She kept doing things that made him second guess whether he could still trust her or not. He still loved her, though. He would always love her. She loved him too, but she had lied and ran for so long to survive, that she didn't know who she was when they first met back in England in 1492. She told him that she wanted to find out, though. She even trusted him with something called the cure for vampirism. The last that they had seen of each other after that was when he said goodbye to her and kissed her on the forehead, saying "goodbye, Katerina." He felt that he had to leave, because he had to help his younger brother, Klaus, deal with some witches in New Orleans. He chose his family over the girl that he had loved for 500 years, and would love forever more. Little did he know what would ensue once he had left Mystic Falls. This is their epic story.


Elijah was born a human to Mikael and Esther Mikaelson in the tenth century in the New World, later named Mystic Falls, Virginia. He was the eldest of his siblings after his elder brother died. His other siblings were Finn, Kol, Henrik, Niklaus, and Rebekah. He calls Niklaus his brother, though they are only half-brothers. Niklaus was born a werewolf, because of their mother, Esther, having an affair with a werewolf and getting pregnant with Klaus.

When they were kids and still human, Elijah took Klaus into the woods to teach him how to hunt. He encouraged him, telling him that his aim with the bow is improving. Mikael snatched it from Klaus though, and scolded him for encouraging Klaus. When he snatched the bow away, he told Klaus that he wasn't man enough to hold a weapon. Klaus apologized, but Mikael started to beat him. Elijah tried to stop him, but was scared off when Mikael threatened that he'd be next if he intervened.

For twenty years, they lived among werewolves. During the full moon, the humans would hide in underground caves while the wolves turned. During Elijah's early life, Elijah and Klaus fell in love with a girl named Tatia who lived in their village. All the villagers wanted to be her suitors including Elijah and Klaus, both of them during their time with her, argued with each other and fought each other because they both wanted her for themselves. Tatia couldn't decide between the two of them.

When Mikael found Klaus making chess toys with his hunting knife, he whipped and beat Klaus so bad that his siblings feared for his life. Elijah tried to stop him, but he pushed Elijah away and continued to punish Klaus until Rebekah came in with a sword and wanted his abuse of Klaus to end. Mikael got furious at them for choosing Klaus over their own father and then grabbed the sword and left the three of them. One night, Rebekah had had enough of Mikael's abuse towards Klaus, so she took his knife and intended to kill him in his sleep, but Elijah came and took it from her and sent her away before leaving and then going to sleep himself.

One morning after a full moon, Niklaus came out of the woods, holding his dead brother Henrik in his arms. Elijah came running to join his mother as she grieved Henrik's death. To ensure that the rest of her family would survive, Esther used a spell called the Immortality spell, since she was a very powerful witch. Mikael gave them wine laced with blood from Tatia, but they didn't know that until after the spell was complete. Then he stabbed Elijah and his siblings and made them drink human blood. After becoming a vampire, Elijah, along with his family, made sure that the White Oak tree, the one true thing that would ultimately kill them, would be destroyed.

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