It Happens In A Blink (Kalijah)

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*Fifty Shades Of Grayson*

Teach me to number my days

And count every moment

Before it slips away

Take in all the colors

Before they fade to grey

I don't want to miss

Even just a second

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It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash

It happens in the time it took to look back

I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time

What is it I've done with my life?

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

Katherine, human, was heading down the stairs, but stopped, feeling pain travel up her arm and to her chest. She put a hand over her heart and realized that this might just be it. Time had finally ran out for her. Then she fell the rest of the way down the stairs and everything went black.


When it's all said and done

No one remembers

How far we have run

The only thing that matters

Is how we have loved

I don't want to miss

Even just a second

More of this

It was a beautiful day, as Katerina played chase with Elijah.

She stopped running and laughed, as she said, "You're meant to catch me."

"Well, if I catch you, then the game will be over," he said, also stopping.

They sat down on a bench together.

She began to talk to him about love and then said, "True love is not real, unless it is returned. Do you agree?"

"I do not believe in love, Katerina," he lied.

"That's too sad for me to accept, my Lord. If we cease to believe in love, then why would we want to live?"

*Fifty Shades Of Grayson*

It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash

It happens in the time it took to look back

I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time

What is it I've done with my life?

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

Katherine was at the hospital, the doctors trying to revive her after her heart attack. After hearing that she was dying of old age and had just had a heart attack, Elijah was on his way back to Mystic Falls. If anything happened to her, he didn't know what he'd do. He loved her no matter what, even if he had left. If she truly was dying for good, he needed to be there in her last moments, or however long she had left to live.

Slow down

Slow down

Before today becomes

Our yesterday

Slow down

Slow down

Before you turn around

And it's too late

It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash

It happens in the time it took to look back

About half an hour later, Elijah got to the hospital and now stood in the hallway, watching as they tried to revive her. He hoped that she'd come back. It couldn't end this way. Not if he could help it. Their last moments together couldn't be when he had told her goodbye.

Please, come back to me, Katerina," he thought, as he watched.

A few minutes later, they finally succeeded in reviving her.

When he was told that she may not make it through tonight, he took Katerina home to the Mystic Falls Mikaelson place, and stayed at her bedside in his room.

I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time

What is it I've done with my life?

It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash

It happens in the time it took to look back

I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time

What is it I've done with my life?

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

It happens in a blink

As she layed in bed, she was stuck in the memory of when she'd given birth to Nadia, and when her father had torn her from her arms and given Nadia up, all because of having her out of wedlock. The memory changed though, to later in 1492. It was a field on the old MIkaelson estate in England, where she and Elijah had played chase by the trees, and she'd spoken of love with him. It wasn't exactly a memory, though. She realized that he was in her head, which she knew most likely meant that she was close to death. She felt like she was ready, though. She'd lived for 500 years in fear of Klaus, and had done many terrible things. She was ready to face whatever was waiting for her, no matter where she was going to end up at.

She approached Elijah.

"I guess this is goodbye then. For good this time," she said.

"I believe it is," he replied.

"Well, if it is, at least you're here. That's all that matters. I've lived a very long time as you know, and I've done many things I'm not proud of. If it's my time, then I'm ready," she told him. "If I end up on the Other Side, then I won't truly be leaving. I'll be around when you need me to be," she promised him. "Tell Klaus that all is forgiven, when you return. And thank you. For being here with me. I know how much it hurts to watch me die, and not be able to do anything to stop it. But I'll still be with you," she then said.

He rested a hand on the side of her face.

"I wished that we still had more time. I'm sorry I hurt you. It was never my intention."

"You don't have to apologize. All is forgiven. Family comes first. I get it. Family will always come first, and that's how it should be, but learn to live a little or else you'll miss it," she replied, before kissing him, which he returned.

A few minutes later, when she died, he left her head and kissed her on the forehead.

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