Love Conquers

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It was a dark night, as Katherine Pierce arrived in New Orleans. She had recently been dying of old age, but had found a way to turn back into a vampiress. Now she was a new vampires, arriving in New Orleans to try and win Elijah Mikaelson back. A year ago, he had broken up with her, before leaving to go help Klaus with a witch.

Shortly after, Rebekah had left. She was more than happy to be a vampire again, but she wasn't 500 years old anymore. She was a newborn. Also, a year ago, she had lost her daughter forever. She hated herself for not asking for the cure, because she couldn't show her New Orleans.

Half an hour later, she stood in front of the compound and knocked.

A moment later, Elijah Mikaelson opened the door.

"Katerina?" he questioned her.

"Elijah. It's been a while. May I come in?"

"Most certainly, but what are you doing here? This isn't the best of times."

She walked inside and he closed the door.

She looked at him.

"I came to win you back, but I also came to help you. I heard what happened and I want to help."

"Very well then. You may stay, but be civil. Niklaus and Hayley aren't in the best place right now. Hayley's killing vampires every night and my brother's in a dark place right now."

"I promise I'll behave myself."

She headed upstairs to go find a guest bedroom to stay in.

Elijah watched her go.

The next day, she left the house to explore New Orleans on her own, while Elijah dealt with his brother and Hayley. He had filled her in on everything and she couldn't help but sympathize with Klaus and Hayley. No wonder they were out of character. They just lost their daughter. 

That night, on her way back, she was ambushed. She tried to overpower them, but she was a new vampire now. She didn't stand a chance, no matter how much she fought. Then everything went black for her. 

When she woke up, it was daylight and her Daylight ring was on the table beside the big window. She was tied to a chair with vervain ropes, which made her skin burn, smoke coming from her burnt skin. It hurt like hell, but she told herself that even though she was a young vampire again, she was still Katherine Pierce. Whatever those vampires wanted, they'd never get. She wasn't one to give information out freely unless she felt generous or they were friends or someone she loved. Like Elijah or Caroline.

A guy walked into the room.

"Good morning. I'm Marcel. I just want to know who you are and why you've suddenly come to New Orleans."

"I'm not telling you anything. Marcel, so you might want to let me go."

"What's your name?" he inquired.

"Go to hell. You want info? Ask the Originals and leave me out of it."

"No can do."

She screamed in excruciating pain, when vervain was thrown on her. She growled with hatred towards Marcel.

Several hours later, the vamps by the door were killed with their hearts ripped out of their chests and Marcel saw Elijah.

"You have something of mine. I need her back. Leave now and no harm will come to you."

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