Saved By Love

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It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, as Katherine Pierce walked the route to the Salvatore boarding house. She stopped when she smelled the smell of heavily flowing blood. She knew whom it belonged to, so she followed her scent.

She stopped a distance away in a deserted parking lot.

As soon as she saw Rebekah Mikaelson feeding from the present doppelganger's neck, she through her across the parking lot at vampire speed and, as Rebekah was thrown, she caught an unconscious Elena Gilbert from hitting the ground. Then, vamped out, she bit her wrist and put it to her lips, making her blood go down her throat, as she knelt on the ground and held her in her arms.

Rebekah got to her feet and saw the scene. As she started to walk towards them, Katherine looked at her and growled menacingly in warning.

Rebekah stopped a distance away when she got growled at.

"Well, well. Look who's so protective," the Original commented.

The former doppelganger gently took her wrist away and layed her gently on the ground on her back, before she got to her feet.

"Why wouldn't I be?" the vampiress growled at her.

"I thought you despised her is all."

"I don't despise her. She's my family and you nearly killed her."

At vampire speed, the vampiress pinned Rebekah to a tree with a hand tightly around her throat, letting her anger loose.

"You can't kill me. I'm older than you," Rebekah said through the pain.

"No. But I sure as hell can hurt you. You should learn a few things about family before you start killing, or, in this case, almost killing someone else's family," she growled at the blond vampiress. Then she through her to the ground and twisted her arm behind her back.

Rebekah gasped in pain.

"Stay the hell away from my family, or I will dagger you myself," the ex-doppelganger growled at her, as she did so, warning her for future reference.

With her arm still behind her back, the former doppelganger got her to her feet before she through her. This time she let go of her, as she through her.

Elijah Mikaelson arrived and stopped between the distance of his only sister and Katherine. As he did, his sister began to painfully get to her feet. Then he went to stand in front of Katherine.

"What's going on, Katerina?"

"Keep your bitch of a sister away from my family," she answered in anger. She then added more calmly, "Keep her in line."

"What happened?" he asked calmly.

"Your sister nearly killed Elena."

"I promise that she will be punished."

"Thank you, Elijah."

"You are welcome, Katerina."

Elijah looked over his shoulder at his sister and calmly, but with a hint of anger in his voice said, "Rebekah, go straight home. There will be consequences."

He watched her vanish, before he looked at the vampiress again.

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" he asked calmly with worry, figuring that she and Rebekah had most likely had a fight.

When she had been human, he and Trevor had both loved her. To this day, he cared deeply for her, even though he wasn't madly in love with her anymore. He cared for Elena as well. Elena was supposed to be under his protection. He felt like he had failed in his duty, knowing that Rebekah had almost killed the doppelganger.

The vampiress looked back at him and tried to hide what she felt now. She was in pain. In the fight with Rebekah, she hadn't felt any pain. She had been too filled with rage at her to notice.

"I don't know," she replied truthfully.

Like her human family, she knew she could trust Elijah with what life she had left. She didn't have to lie to him.

"Katerina, what...?" he started to ask, but stopped when he smelled blood. Her blood.

She saw him start to look at her for where she was hurt at. As she saw that, she realized she couldn't hide her pain. Then she felt herself quickly weaken.

Elijah put gentle hands on her waist to try and keep her on her feet, as he saw her weaken and start to lose her balance.

"Katerina," he said calmly, though inside, he was scared for her. He wanted to help her in any way that he could.

"Elijah," she said, as everything blurred. She then put gentle hands on his shoulders to do what she could to stay on her feet. It was to no avail though, as everything went black.

As she collapsed, Elijah caught her with a hand between her shoulder blades, an arm holding her up.

"Hang on, Katerina."

He knelt down and pulled her gently into his arms. That's when he felt it. He pulled the small dagger out of her lower back and tossed it to the ground. He then bit his wrist and put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat to help her heal faster.

A few minutes later, he took his wrist away and it instantly healed. As he held her close, she slowly started to come to.

When she was awake, he helped her to her feet.

"Thank you, Elijah."

"You're welcome. Anytime, Katerina."

Elijah watched her, as she went over to Elena to get her home, before he went to his own home to deal with his sister and punish her for what she had done and almost done.

Later, everybody lived happily ever after as they could with Elena and Kat fully recovering.

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