The Destruction of The Hollow And Newfound Love

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It was a dismal night, as a human Katherine appeared. She realized that she was in Mystic Falls. That was good. Maybe she could save Klaus and Elijah quicker. She put the ascendant away. She then started walking, looking for them. She hoped she wasn't too late. After all, despite the past, she didn't want anything to happened to either of them. And it wasn't because she knew that Klaus had a daughter. She cared about them both, despite the fact that they'd both hurt her at different occasions. They were the kind of people that you couldn't stop caring about or loving, once you cared about or loved them. Not only that, but if they died, so did the few vampires she cared about.

When she saw them on the ground, not far from a cement bench, she immediately rushed over to them. She was upset about seeing them like this, but she knew breaking down wouldn't help, nor bring them back. She knew she could, though. She was descended from Travelers, after all. While she'd been in the prison world, she'd learned how to make her magic active. Plus, having to deal with witches for her entire vampiress life, she knew a few spells by heart. She knew exactly how to bring them back to life. She knew Klaus would most likely be the hardest one to bring back, since he was always so stubborn, so she decided that she'd start with him. She knew he'd also be angry with her for bringing him back, since she knew why he'd killed himself, but she didn't care. She just wanted him back. Besides, she knew with her magic, she'd find a way to get The Hollow out of him and in some kind of prison.

She knelt by Klaus' side. She then pulled the White Oak stake out of him and set it on the ground, before resting her hands where his heart was. Then she began the spell by memory.

A few minutes later, she stopped, seeing that the hybrid that she'd feared for 500 plus years and forgiven on her deathbed, was alive. That relieved her, but she knew she had one more job to do. She didn't know how long they'd been like this, but she knew that he needed blood, as would Elijah. She knew Klaus had changed for the better, because of his daughter, Hope, so she assumed that she could trust Klaus.

Since she didn't have anything sharp or fangs anymore, she used the next best thing. She used the end of the White Oak stake to cut her wrist. Then she put it back down and put it to Klaus' lips, making her blood go down his throat, knowing it would work best in waking him up. Plus, he also needed it to get his strength back.

"Come on, Klaus. Drink. Come back to me. We may have never seen eye to eye, but I wouldn't want you dead. Not anymore. I know you did it to keep others safe from The Hollow and get rid of it, but there's always another way. You know that. Open your eyes. Don't be stubborn. For once in your life, do what I tell you to do."

Klaus was in what appeared to be some dark woods, but it didn't seem to be any place bad. It just seemed to be late evening. He'd been walking around for a while now, and was by a river, when he began to hear Katerina's voice. It seemed far away until the place he'd ended up in began to disappear. Then her voice began to sound closer. That's when he realized what was going on. She brought him back and was trying to get him to wake up. He also realized that she was feeding him. He didn't know how she was alive, but it didn't really matter. She wanted him back, and probably Elijah, too. And she always got what she wanted, although he'd never gotten the chance to see her human the second time around. This time though, he would. He didn't want to come back, but only because he didn't want to be used by The Hollow to hurt those he cared about.

What felt like fifteen minutes later, he felt the familiar taste and drink from her, but let go after about ten minutes. Then he saw her and got up, as did she after he did.

"What did you do, Katerina?" he inquired, irritated, but not quite angry at her. He knew she always had a reason. He also knew how much she would always care about Elijah. The question was if Elijah still loved her back after Hayley.

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