Hearing light footsteps in the hall, you quickly ducked under the sheets, pretending you were asleep.  Hopefully they'll leave me alone.  You frowned with slight confusion when you heard that no one speaking, let alone moving the sheets off of you.  Was I imagining things?  Maybe I am sick..

A quiet, sort of worried voice spoke softly through the air, causing your eyes to widen.  "[Y-Y/n], a-are you o-okay?"  Minseon asked, not moving a single muscle, not even to move the sheets so he could actually see you.  "S-Seokjin-hyung.. h-he said you w-weren't feeling g-good."

Your heart just stopped.

It felt like you were in a volcano, before suddenly everything went black.

You heard a high-pitched scream, but had no idea who made it or why you heard it.

It was total blackness. Pitch black nothingness. You could hear and feel whatever you touched, but sadly you couldn't see anything at all.

It scared you.

Did you faint? Collapse? Pass out?

You felt different. Your body seemed like it didn't belong to you. At least, for now.


He stared at her retreating back in worry, every so often poking at his scrambled eggs in thought.

'Did I do something wrong?'

A deep voice sighed beside him, an evident frown on the blue-haired male's face. "Maybe she has a cold?" he shrugged.

"We don't catch colds, Yoongi." Seokjin deadpanned.

Yoongi groaned and waved his hand around. "I know that. But she's different, okay? You don't know what she could experience." he said, earning a couple nods from the other males around the table.

"Should we check up on her?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung slightly frowned, "She probably doesn't want us to."

"You have a point."

"Sh-Should I-I do it?" Minseon finally spoke amongst the vampires, nervousness mixed with worry in his tone.

They all looked over to the brunet, and some were wearing unsure faces while the rest held thoughtful looks. Seokjin stood afoot, grabbing his dishes and taking them to the kitchen, slipping out a quick "okay, sure" to the boy.

Minseon stood up as well after hearing he could go upstairs. He smiled a bit, feeling a little bit more comfortable with the vampires, but surely not fully. That would take a long, long while. They just.. freaked him out.

'Her room is the second door by the stairs, I believe.'

He quickly made it up the stairs and turned to stand in front of her door, a little nervous since he's never really entered in her room before.  He sighed silently to himself, twisting the knob and pushing it forward to open the door fully.  Minseon shut it softly behind him, approaching [Y/n]'s bed with caution.

'What if she's actually sick?  What if I catch something from her?  Is she gonna scare me?'

He refrained himself from removing the sheets blocking his view from her, thinking she might not wanna be bothered like that.  The brunet took in some air and spoke in a quiet, worried voice,  "[Y-Y/n], a-are you o-okay?  S-Seokjin-hyung.. h-he said you w-weren't feeling g-good."  he finished, frowning.

He waited for a bit, standing there in complete worry.  Why isn't she responding?  Did she fall asleep?

He suddenly screamed.  Because next thing he knew, he was tackled to the hard ground on his back, [Y/n] right on top of him.  Minseon eyes fluttered open right after the impact, only to freeze still in his place, frozen with fear and confusion.

'Why are her eyes yellow?!'

The door burst open with a loud bang, taking [Y/n]'s attention off Minseon for a moment to look at the entrance of the room.  There, in the doorway, stood seven males with worried looks on each of their faces, ready to attack, but only to pause in movement since they noticed [Y/n]'s different colored eyes.

Jungkook was the first to react, screaming,  "She– she has yellow eyes!"  the rest just looked down at Minseon, then up to [Y/n], then back to Minseon.

"[Y/n], get off of him this instant!"  Seokjin shouted with a stern tone, firm and demanding.  [Y/n] didn't budge, instead, she moved lower and lower until her face was inches from the boy's neck.

Taehyung ran up to [Y/n], using all his strength to pull her away, only to get growled at and pushed further back.  The vampire frowned in confusion at her actions, struggling to rip her away from the boy a second time as she attempted to bite him.

"What's wrong with her?"  Namjoon questioned just as Jungkook and Yoongi went over to help Taehyung.  "She's never done this before, nor has she ever once had yellow eyes!"  he exclaimed with a gasp.

Minseon let out a scream when [Y/n] flung all three males away from her, their backs hitting the solid surface of the walls at the other end of the room.  The young vampire looked unfazed, her expression blank with nothing but this strange fire, her soft yellow eyes boring hard into Minseon's own.  The boy flinched, feeling something sharp go across his neck.

"H-Help m-m-me!"  he cried out, but no one could help him, they all tried and failed miserably.  [Y/n] was awfully strong— far too strong for the seven males to handle.  They never even knew she had this sort of strength.

Minseon felt tears well up in his eyes, already expecting the pain from the bite— but nothing came.

[Y/n] fainted in his hold.

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
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