you guys are amazing

411 11 3

Just wanted to let you know
This is way past what i expect and im grateful people like my work

Type of Oneshot: fluff

Today was the big day! Everyone had been looking forward to it for months. The team had decided to have a sleep over and catch up. After the war, they had moved far away from each other and didn't see each other a lot. They decided enough was enough and they were going to hang out together for once.

   It was about 5:00 when the first person got there. They were meeting at Lance's house since it seemed like it would be the most fun. Keith stepped off the ship and waved at his dog to follow. He stepped off and the ship flew away. Lance walked out of the house and stopped. Keith had told Lance that he couldn't make it so he could surprise him. Lance ran forward and Keith barely had enough time to open his arms before it was filled with a handsome, crying boy.

   "I thought you weren't going to come," he sniffled.

   "That's what she said," Keith said, flashing his rare smile. Lance went wided eyed and blushed.

   "A joke and a smile, man am I one lucky guy," he chuckled. He stepped outta Keith's arms and started walking towards his house. "Follow me!" he said. But another ship touched down as he started walking. The engine stopped and Hunk and Pidge came out.

   "Hey, guys! Glad you're here!" He walked to them and gave them both a hug. "I missed you."

   "We missed you too, Lance," Hunk said.

All four of them enter the house and Shiro accompanied by Curtis arrive shortly after. They all settle in Lance's livingroom with cozy blankets and fairy lights strung up on the wall. They watch a wide range of movies. From Shrek to Frozen to It 2 they have fun. Everyone is still awake when the time starts rolling around to 1:00am. Surprisingly, it was Keith's idea to build a blanket fort to sleep in. Not everyone was up for the idea. Actually, no one was. They all said they didn't want to and they continued the movie. Except Keith was kinda more isolated after that. He didn't try speaking to anybody and didn't really watch the movie, only stared at it blankly.

At a particularly slow part of the movie people started to use the bathroom and get more snacks. Keith excused himself saying he had to make a phone call real quick and that he'd be back. He exited the house and walked a little ways away. It was almost five o'clock now and the sky was turning a light gray. He sat down under a tree and put his head in his lap. He didn't move until he heard the crunch of footsteps. He jumped and looked up. Lance was moving towards him and he stood up quickly.

   "Hey, Lance, what're you doing out here?"

   "Hey, I just want to know if you are all right. I haven't seen you in a while and when I came on your head was down."

   "I'm alright, I was just thinking."

   "You sure?"

   "... no. I'm not. Lance, I think the team doesn't really like me anymore. No one even said hi to me today, besides you. I'm useless to them now that we're not really a team anymore, so they hate me now. And it kinda hurts, ya know?" Keith shuffled his feet around and stared at them. "I kinda felt ashamed for feeling like this, because, like, we had to live together for years, form a gigantic cat robot that only forms if you all have a special bond. It sounds crazy to think they hate me." But Lance understood.

   Lance walked closer to him and wrapped his arms around Keith "It's okay to feel this way, Keith. But just know that we don't hate you. Quite the contrary in my case actually. Now may not be a good time, but i wanna confess something. I- i like you, Keith. I have for a while now. I always have had feelings for you, i just didn't know how to show them. Then Allura came around and I kinda fell for her too. And it makes more sense for me to go after the pretty girl instead so that's what I did. Then we defeated Honerva and Allura sacrificed herself for the universe. I was devistated. I wanted you but I also wanted to feel better about what happened first. But recently, I've come to realize that this isn't me. This dumb farm is something I would have never dreampt of doing, and I still don't dream of doing. I wanna work at the Garrison or go to the Blades with you. I don't want a simple life yet. I still wanna go live. Maybe one day, if you're willing, we could settle down for good together. But right now, can I just be with you?"

   Keith didn't move at first. Then, without any hesitation, he pulled Lance's face down to his lips and kissed him with force. When Keith pulled away Lance was smiling and his small Altean marks were shining a light blue.

   "Is that a yes?" he laughs.

   "Yes," Keith says fondly, "yes it is."

What up its 2:31 a.m. and I want to hop off of suislide

Did ya miss me

Lean On Me || Klance Angst OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora