I'll tell you soon

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Happy Trans Day of Visibly! I love all of you, no matter who you are! Hope you have a good day!

Type of Oneshot: Angst
Resolved: Yes
Who: Klangst

Requested by C00l-Lucky. Hope you enjoy!

   Keith sighed as he unclipped his binding. He took a deep breathe, finally able to take in normal breaths. He was in the bathroom while his boyfriend, Lance, was in their living room. They had started dating two years ago, and decided to move in together about a year ago. Yet, Keith hasn't told Lance that he was trans. He was scared that he would have the same reaction as his past boyfriend.

   Back when Keith had been dating James, he had came out to him. But James didn't take it well. He broke up with Keith and kicked him out of the house. It left Keith heartbroken, but he was sorta glad that it happened. That's how he met Lance.

   The door to the bathroom opened suddenly as Lance stood in the door way. Keith's binder was still lying on the ground and his chest was fully exposed.

   "What the hell? Keith, you never told me you were trans!"

   Keith's eyes already prickled with tears as he stared at Lance. "I was going to tell you, I swear! I just didn't know how you would react!"

   "Keith, we've been dating for two years! I thought you trusted me! I thought that you loved me!"

   "I do love you Lance! I just had a bad experience in the past. I didn't want you to react like James had!"

   "Why would you think that?! You really think that little of me! To reduce me to your abusive ex!"

   "Lance you don't get it!"

   "Yes I do get it! You didn't want to tell me because you were scared of my reaction! But what about me! I didn't know that my boyfriend was trans the entire time! Maybe I should just leave."

   "No, I'll go. I don't want to turn into my ex." Keith grabbed his binder and t-shirt from the floor. He put on his shirt and walked out the door, slamming it loudly behind him.

   Fuck was Lance's immediate thought. He opened the door to chase after Keith, but he was no longer in sight. He paced back and forth in their living room, trying to think of ideas. I should call him and apologize. Lance hated fighting. Like REAL fighting. It made him anxious and sad and worried that the person he was fighting with would hate him forever. He sunk to the floor. Crying, he pulled out his phone to call Keith. 1 ring, 2 rings, 3 rings. You have reached the voice mail box of 964 779 2056. Please leave a message after the beep.


"Hey Keith, it's Lance. Im so, so sorry baby. Please come home. It's okay that you're trans, Keith. I-I still love you. I n-need you, I don't think I can live without you please call me back or come home. Be s-safe while yo-you're out. Love you, bye."

   What am I going to do? I could call Pidge and ask for advice, she'd know what to do. Lance scrolled down and clicked on Pidge's contact. He waited for an answer before he got a groggy hello on the other line.

   "Pidge, thank god! You gotta help me!"

   Pidge snapped out of her sleepy daze once she heard the urgency of his tone.

   "What's wrong?"

   "Me and Keith got into a fight and he left and its really dark outside and I don't know where he is. He won't answer his phone. You're his best friend, where do you think he'd go?"

   "Probably to Shiro and Adam's house. Or to Altea park. He likes to take walk there when he's upset."

   "Thank you Pidge, you're a life saver."

   "Of course Lance, I hope you guys work things out," Pidge said as she hung up the phone. Lance put his phone back inside his pocket. With newfound determination, he stood up and snatched his keys off the hook. He raced out the door and to the car. He sped down the driveway and towards Altea park. He arrived ten minutes later. He parked the car and started walking down the dimly lit path.

   "Keith," he shouted. "Keith baby where are you?! I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to get upset! Please Keith are you here?" Lance continued down the path until he heard an apprehensive voice behind him.

   "Lance?" Keith sniffled. Lance spun around to face Keith. Once he was sure it was him, he bounded down the path towards him. "Keith you're alright! I was so worried! I'm sorry I got mad at you! I love you. You mean so much to me. Will you please forgive me?" Keith nodded and sunk deeper into Lance.

   "C'mon, why don't we go get some Chinese food and watch Netflix. What'd ya say?"

   "Yeah sure." Keith didn't move from his spot on around Lance.

   "Want me to carry you?"

   "Oh heck yeah!" Keith laughed as Lance picked him up by his thighs. He placed Keith in the passenger's seat of the car and got in the driver's seat. They drove to a twenty-four hour restaurant and ordered their food. They brought it and put on a movie. They cuddled on the couch with their food, both happy that they were not fighting anymore.

Sorry if this wasn't good, I only have limited info about trans gender type stuff.

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